The son is disobedient and upset
The sunset knows the autumn
2023-03-18 12:04:01
An upset sentence

1. This child, how can he be so naughty? If he doesn't obey, he will be punished! But I hope you learn a lesson! Stop jumping up and down! I'm always nervous about the difficult movements

2. Dogs wagging their tails are the most obedient, and women stroking their children's heads are the most gentle.

3. I am so tired. My work is not satisfactory. My child is disobedient and he doesn't understand me. I am too tired to live. God, let me die and let me free!

4. In those days, my father sent me to primary school. I was six years old that year. My father said to the teacher: Teacher, this child is yours. If you don't obey me, you will beat him for me!

5. "Obedience" is not the duty of children, guidance is the duty of parents.

6. The children were frightened into obedience.

7. After looking in the mirror, I felt that my face was not very good and soft recently. It must be because I was angry recently. I was afraid that the child would die. The child would not listen to what he said, would not listen to what he said, and would beat more, and would not hurt his glass heart.

8. The child was disobedient. He pricked the child with a needle, which made the child cry. I can be so cruel to my own son. What can I expect. The child told me that I don't like this home, but I like my grandparents' home. This is how desperate and powerless. It's only because Mom didn't find you a good father. Sorry, honey.

9. Crying children have milk, obedient and sensible children only have indifference

10. Parents spoil their children and complain that they are disobedient.

11. Why is a girl so disobedient? She loses her temper with her disabled mother every day, doesn't cook for her, doesn't go to school during the day, and doesn't go home in the middle of the night. Mom is good for you! Say you a few words and you just insult and break things. It really hurts me. Now I really want to die.

12. The two children in my aunt's family do not do homework and are disobedient. They are carrying out beating measures. On Sunday, to tell the truth, I am in a bad mood today. The reason is always that one. It is always an unspeakable sadness.

13. It's a terrible day. First, the plane was released at noon. Then those children who work part-time in the afternoon are disobedient.

14. As long as you don't lie, you are a good child. You can only judge whether a child is good or not by listening.

15. Chinese style education from small to large. Why are you disobedient. No matter whether you are 10, 20, 30 or 40 years old, someone will always tell you why you are disobedient. With a complaining tone.