Chen Taiqiu and Friends
Solitary Clouds in Far Water
2023-10-22 14:02:37

We learned the classical Chinese text of Chen Taiqiu and Youqi. Through this lesson, I learned that Yuan Fang, who is only seven years old, is so smart, quick, and polite. From it, I got a lot of inspiration

This article mainly wrote that Chen Taiqiu and his friend agreed to go out together, but the man did not come on time, Chen Taiqiu left first. After a while, his friend arrived and asked Chen Yuanfang, Chen Taiqiu's son, where Chen Taiqiu went? Chen Yuanfang replied, "My father waited for you for a long time, but you didn't come and have already left." The man was furious and scolded Chen Taiqiu. Chen Yuanfang replied, "You and my father agreed to meet at noon, but it's not noon. It's no credit. It's rude to scold his father against his son." My friend felt ashamed, Getting off the bus, Chen Yuanfang tried to pull Yuanfang's hand. Without looking back, Chen Yuanfang walked into his gate

I think we should do the same in our daily life. Learning from Yuan Fang's intelligence, we can be responsive. After reading this text, I also know that although someone in the text is dishonest and impolite, he is a person who knows his mistakes and will change, which we can learn more. I believe that as long as we make up our minds to work hard, we can all be civilized and polite, Let's work together to become a person worthy of learning!