114 mottos for unity
Swallow vicissitudes
2023-01-28 15:53:46

1. If people are united, Mount Tai will move.

2. Hello, brother. Earth turns into gold.

3. One argues for two evils, and one gives way to two evils.

4. One man is short, and a hundred men are long.

5. One arrow is easy to break, but ten arrows are hard to break.

6. Three families and four neighbors poured out the cooking stove.

7. Nine bulls went up the slope, and everyone contributed.

8. Many people fall down from the mountain, and many forces move from the sea.

9. Everyone's heart breaks the gold.

10. Thousands of people have thousands of products and thousands of people have thousands of faces.

11. Unity leads to survival; division leads to death.

12. The head geese fly first, and the flock of geese chase after each other.

13. It's hard for a lone goose to fly and a lone hand to sing.

14. Share weal and woe.

15. More firewood and more fire make a better ship.

16. It's hard to live alone, but it's hard to get firewood alone.

17. It's hard to walk on one foot, and it's hard to sing on one hand.

18. It's hard to walk on one foot, and it's hard to sing on one hand.

19. The ship carries a thousand kilograms, and one person is at the helm.

20. The wild geese are afraid of leaving the group, and the people are afraid of falling behind.

21. When the wind is strong, it is cold, and when there are many people, it is strong.

22. One person has one grain of sand, and all people have one piece of gold.

23. One person, one plan, three people, one play.

24. One man is short of counsel, and all are chief strategists.

25. Seven little scorpions sting a cow to death.

26. Three cobblers are the best Zhuge Liang.

27. Three people, one mind, turn loess into gold.

28. Don't be afraid of not turning over.

29. We are not afraid of huge waves and uneven oars.

30. More people make Han Xin, more wisdom makes Kong Ming.

31. Everyone is united, and the loess becomes gold.

32. Help people timely and sincerely.

33. A thousand families have a thousand surnames, and people have a hundred hearts.

34. No single thread, no single tree.

35. A single person cannot form an array, and a single tree cannot form a forest.

36. Single hemp cannot form a thread, and double threads are twisted into ropes.

37. Unity and wisdom make the weak win the strong.

38. More soil is better than walls, and more people are more powerful.

39. Earth helps people form walls and people help people form cities.

40. There are not too many good people, but one bad person.

41. There are too many mothers and aunts at home to eat.

42. Be willing to help others at ordinary times, and help others in emergencies.

43. The sky is bright with many stars, and the wisdom is broad with many people.

44. More firewood, more fire, better way.

45. Poisonous snakes can harm people, and ants can cure them.

46. A drop of water cannot make a sea, and a single tree cannot make a forest.

47. The train runs fast and is led by the locomotive.

48. Broken hemp can also be pulled into a rope.

49. A single tree does not form a forest, and a single filament cannot form a line.

50. Brick to brick wall, tile to tile house.

51. Fish cannot leave the water, and geese cannot leave the flock.

52. Many birds are not afraid of eagles. Many people level the mountain.

53. The fear of tigers having two wings is the fear of people having two minds.

54. A person is covered with iron and can drive several nails.

55. One person has limited knowledge, while all people have infinite wisdom.

56. One soldier cannot become a general, and a single tree cannot become a forest.

57. One line is easy to break, and ten thousand lines can pull the boat.

58. One line is easy to break, but ten lines cannot be pulled.

59. We are not afraid of tigers having two wings, but of people having two minds.

60. Cohesion generates strength and unity generates hope.

61. Cohesion generates strength, unity generates hope!

62. Only leniency can accommodate people, and only thickness can carry things.

63. Time is not as good as place, and place is not as good as people.

64. Two fists are better than four hands.

65. A good man can't compete with four hands, and an evil tiger is afraid of wolves.

66. More rice makes more rice, and more people make more sense.

67. Far water cannot save near fire, and a close neighbor is better than a distant relative.

68. Three blind people can read a letter together.

69. When the breeze gathers together, there is the force of typhoon.

70. One man and two men are powerful, and three people can make He move.

71. One fence, three stakes, and one hero, three helpers.

72. One person is not as good as two. Everyone holds firewood high.

73. If one person is defeated by two, three people will sing together.

74. One person is inferior to two people. Three people sing a play together.

75. One person cannot strike the hammer. The two struck iron with jingle.

76. One person's firewood collection is not flourishing, while others' firewood collection is highly flaming.

77. One person has no idea, but three people have a good plan.

78. It is hard for one person to carry a heavy load, and people can move thousands of mountains.

79. One chopstick is easy to break, and ten chopsticks are as hard as iron.

80. One fence with three stakes and one hero with three helpers.

81. One iron wire is easy to break, but ten chopsticks cannot be bent.

82. A single flower does not make a spring.

83. One star is less bright, and ten thousand stars are bright.

84. Five people unite a tiger, ten people unite a dragon.

85. People plant trees and trees to become forests, and people plant flowers to become fragrant.

86. Big trees grow into forests and are not afraid of me. Ten thin threads are twisted into a rope.

87. There are many stars in the sky, and many trees on the ground become forests.

88. The more women, the faster the rice is cooked, and the more firewood, the higher the flame.

89. Hard trees need to be cut by everyone, and difficult things need to be done by everyone.

90. Don't be like a thousand eyes, but like a candle.

91. Don't learn how spiders make webs, but learn how bees make honey together.

92. Light frost freezes to death a single grass, and wind can hardly destroy thousands of trees.

93. One person's wisdom is limited, while others' wisdom is infinite.

94. One person can't step on the grass, and everyone can step on the right path.

95. Smart people always walk with friends at the same pace.

96. If anyone is separated from the collective, his destiny will be sad.

97. If one person can't step on the grass, everyone can step on the right path.

98. One brick cannot build a wall, and one rafter cannot build a house.

99. One straw cannot be thrown over the wall, and one piece of wood cannot stand the beam.

100. One star cannot cover the sky, and one stone cannot build a mountain.

101. Among all kinds of loneliness, people are most afraid of spiritual loneliness.

102. Gold and silver are not really rich. Unity and harmony are happiness.

103. The collective is the source of strength, and the people are the cradle of wisdom.

104. The collective strength is like steel, and the wisdom of all people is like the sun and the moon.

105. Although the pine and cypress grow well, they can only be used as firewood after leaving the land.

106. Ten kinds of bamboos grow into forests in one year, one person grows bamboos in ten years.

107. More bells, more sounds, more candles and more light.

108. Our cause is just and our unity is strong.

109. Three people save energy, four people are more relaxed, all people are united, and Pepsi can succeed.

110. One can't lift, but two can lift; Three is effortless, four is easier.

111. One person, one brain, no discussion; Ten people, ten brains, one set of methods.

112. One person, one rope, brake your waist to block the west wind; Everyone pulled down the Forbidden City.

113. Common cause and common struggle can make people have the power to tolerate everything.

114. Wisdom comes from labor, action from thought, honor from the collective, and strength from unity.