20 words about homesickness and missing relatives
Lost Love
2023-02-23 12:05:05
Homesick sentences

1. When I was most upset, I felt homesick

2. I dare not go home because time is not here.

3. You are in the rain, so am I; You want to go home, I want to go home too!

4. Homesickness is an indescribable feeling, and homesickness is an indescribable emotion.

5. I miss my home. I want to have dinner cooked by my mother. I want to sit down and chat with my father.

6. All these years, I have been walking on my way home, always thinking about going home but never going home.

7. In a foreign country, being alone seems to be a matter of course. If you go back, you will still be alone, which will be very sad!

8. As night falls, people who have been busy all day are hurrying on their way. At this moment, they all have the same destination - home.

9. I am homesick. I think of the big bed where I slept, the table where I ate, and the lively scene of the whole family.

10. It's almost winter now. I've seen a movie, a play, and participated in two competitions. I don't feel homesick. I miss you occasionally.

11. Absence can weaken the shallow feelings, but make the deep feelings more profound, just as the wind blows out the candle light, but it will fan the fire more vigorously.

12. Mother said: Go home when you are homesick, and mother will cook delicious food for you. I said yes. Anyway, the warmest place is home, where I can live.

13. I have left home. From now on, everything depends on my own hands and feet. I don't know how many thorns on the vast road of life, and I don't know the years to come. I may spend it safely.

14. Home is the sunshine in winter, bringing warmth when disappointed; Home is a strong boat, sailing to the other side in difficult times; Home is the spring breeze that blows your face, bringing hope when you are weak.

15. The feeling of returning home is not far ahead. The ancient songs are singing the dreams of childhood. No matter how vast the world is, the missing in my heart is still the same place.

16. When the moon is full, I think of the peaceful home. I think of my father's white hair and my mother's tears. When the sun is shining, I think of the warm home, the hunchback of my father and the cocoon of my mother.

17. The pain of parting takes root, and we wait year after year. The willows are misty, and we are alone. The clear tears in the fog cover our faces; Things in the world of mortals are gone with the wind. Sitting on the stone bench is dry and waiting. The autumn rain keeps on dreaming, and the flowers are still falling.

18. On the 15th night of August in the past, near the apricot garden beside Qujiang Pool. On the 15th night of August this year, in front of the water pavilion in Shatou, Penpu. Where is the hometown in the northwest? The moon turns round several times in the southeast. Last night, when the wind blew, no one would come. Tonight, the light is as clear as before.

19. Today, my head hurt several times. I knew it was the result of staying up late recently, but I couldn't shout cut in the near future. My graduation thesis was piled up this week, and my project thesis was published again. Besides, I was too busy to fall down and homesick.

20. I have been away from home for a long time. Sometimes I feel homesick and miss my friends who haven't seen me for a long time. People who are homesick like to sit in silence, imagine the artistic conception of "looking up at the bright moon, looking down at their hometown", savor the warmth of home, and let the two lines of tears slowly wriggle around their cheeks.