You are so inspiring
Everything goes hand in hand
2023-08-02 13:04:22
Swearing sentences

1. You are so inspiring!

2. Animals have changed into people when wearing this dress. You will become an animal as soon as you put it on

3. You belong to cucumbers, so we don't take photos. Your daughter-in-law is a screw, not screwed.

4. There are more than 300 photos of your mother in my computer.

5. Get out of here, and keep rolling.

6. If you are cute, you can solve the problem of population expansion in an instant.

7. Idiots can be your teachers, and people with intellectual disabilities can teach you to speak.

8. The 21st century is dangerous. Go back to your Jurassic.

9. When I see your face, I think your parents were not serious when they made you.

10. I want to say that you are a fool. I praise you.

11. You 1 turn around and frighten a row of teaching buildings, you 2 turn around and fall back, you 3 turn around and Halley's comet hits the earth, you 4 turn around and Yao Ming changes to playing table tennis.

12. You walked along the country road with dog steps, and said that your voice, which was broken by others, sang like his mother Adu.

13. There are so many weapons in our country that you don't want to learn, but you need to learn swords. You don't learn how to use the next sword when you use it. There are so many moves when you use the next sword. You should learn how to use the drunken sword. You don't want to learn silver sword! Finally, you have reached the realm of integration of man and sword, that is, swordsman.

14. You don't know I'm your father if I don't know your mother.

15. Your brother who failed 180 and got 249 in the exam.

16. You look like an idiot on the left, a fool on the right, a pig on the top and a donkey on the bottom.

17. If your ugliness can generate electricity, nuclear power plants all over the world can be shut down.

18. The world is as big as your heart.

19. You are very abstract.

20. I didn't say you are shameless, you are just their example.