Sad archaic sentence
Ice and clean
2023-02-27 08:05:00
A sour sentence

1. The vast earth is broken with a sword. Where is the prosperity.

2. Sing a long song and cry, for those promises that can not be fulfilled, for the deepest love in life, and finally disperse into smoke.

3. Sing loudly and stop when you get lost, and worry and hate too much. If you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and tomorrow will be sad tomorrow.

4. Fenghua refers to quicksand, and aging refers to a period of time.

5. I went to Phoenix Terrace to visit Phoenix. I broke my promise and waited all night. Since then, I have been crying for thousands of miles in the south and north of the Yangtze River.

6. The sky is vast in the Han Dynasty, holding the bustling and sad, bending the eyebrows, destined to become the past.

7. The first makeup of the world of mortals is boundless. The initial face, crushing nightmare impermanence, matchless fate.

8. The world of mortals is noisy and flashy.

9. Still can quietly drink tea, step on this scene, heyday fireworks.

10. I can't help feeling sad and funny for several generations.

11. Send you a song, don't ask for the song, and people will get together.

12. The south of the Yangtze River has a strong character, and the sky and water become green. The wishes of the heavenly religion run counter to the wishes of the body.

13. Sigh at the death of the hero in the tears of the beauty. The world is full of hardships. How can you be happy when the mountains and rivers are still forever silent.

14. After a fleeting dream, I can see the full moon blooming by the water.

15. The flowers covered by the years are blooming, and everything goes blank.