94 verses about patriotic famous sayings
Work hard for the future
2023-08-02 13:58:02
Complete Poems

1. The center is willing to pacify the enemy, protect the people and secure the country.

2. Heal the sore in front of your eyes, but gouge out the flesh in your heart

3. Autumn grass is cold in six dynasties, and flowers and rain empty altar.

4. Northwest China is still a new pavilion.

5. Four or five sighs in the middle of the night are often worried about big countries.

6. In the spring grass of the Six Dynasties, thousands of wells are falling.

7. Shape wins the three parts of the country, and waves and currents are immortal.

8. New South Yange, the river right temporary Yang Jing.

9. The spirit of the emperor changes greatly. It shakes the thunder, wind and cold.

10. If the motherland is in trouble, you should be the vanguard.

11. Sudden pressure on China, towering like ghost workers.

12. Who knows that every meal on the plate is hard.

13. A man would rather be broken than destroyed.

14. Spring is far away, who appreciates the national flavor.

15. Xianyan said that the prosperity of the country was not the imperial city.

16. In the past 40 years, the country has been home to thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

17. Wait for the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky.

18. Worry can rejuvenate the country, relaxation can lead to death.

19. If it is beneficial to the life and death of the country, how can we avoid it because of bad luck.

20. Looking up at the Shenzhou Road, we can sell the bones of war in the daytime.

21. br>1. After ten years in the country, we are young.

22. One inch of devotion is to serve the country, and two lines of clear tears are to miss their relatives.

23. Three hundred and sixty days a year, most of them go at once.

24. One flute and one sword can smooth the business, and have been famous for 15 years.

25. The past events of the Six Dynasties went with the flow of water, but the cold smoke withered and the grass solidified.

26. The past events of the Six Dynasties, a river flowing, feel the end of the world at dusk.

27. Only loyalty can serve the country, and there is no paradise for home.

28. When the sun is blocked, the enemy is like a cloud. When the arrows are crossed, the men are competing.

29. Yishui is murmuring with clouds and green grass, and there is no place to send Jing Qing away.

30. The rain is falling on the river, the grass is in the river, and the six dynasties are like a dream and the birds are singing in the air.

31. It's the Emperor Shengming, who is Jingyang Palace.

32. With an oath deep in the sea, he is willing to make China sink unexpectedly.

33. Jingshan trombone weeps blood, and loyal officials die as foot ghosts.

34. The wife of Guo State accepted the Lord's favor and rode into the palace gate during the Ming Dynasty.

35. If Xi Shi were to overthrow the State of Wu, who would it be when the State of Yue died.

36. There is a long way to go. I will search up and down.

37. The capital camp is too white, and the sound of the horn sounds like Hu Tianxiao.

38. The white haired scholar tears in China, all desolate, do not drop to Niushan.

39. If you live high in the temple, you will worry about the people; if you live far in the Jianghu, you will worry about the king.

40. An old hero is ambitious; In their twilight years, the martyrs are determined.

41. strong>Patriotic quote

42. The motherland is more important than life. It is our mother and our land.

43. Take home as home, township as township, country as country, and the world as the world.

44. If you want to die without resisting the Japanese, you will remain ashamed today. If the country is broken, how can I cherish it.

45. br>Patriotic verses

46. There are thousands of buildings in Ande, which make all the poor people in the world happy. It is as safe as a mountain without wind and rain.

47. Commit yourself to the country. Why dare not do it—— Yue Fei

48. Sacrifice your life to go to the national disaster, and ignore your death—— Cao Zhi

49. The highest spirit of mankind is patriotism—— Jung

50. Patriotism is the lifeblood of a country—— Cai Yuanpei

51. br>1. Go for the sake of the new China—— Dong Cunrui

52. If you serve your country, you will die, and your temples will never be green again—— Lu You

53. The death of a fallen man for his motherland is glorious—— Homer

54. To die for the motherland is the most beautiful fate—— Alexandre Dumas

55. The village, lying in isolation, does not mourn for itself, and still thinks of it as the national revolution platform—— Lu You

56. Businesswomen do not know the hatred of national subjugation, and they still sing backyard flowers across the river—— Du Mu

57. Fill the Great Wall and promise to leave it empty. The temples in the mirror have already been spotted first. The graduation table is really famous. Who can be compared with others for thousands of years.

58. I would like to recommend Xuanyuan with my blood if I didn't notice the cold star Tsuen—— Lu Xun

59. Return to report the day of life and restore our China -- Ji Hongchang's Untitled

60. Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to history—— known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns

61. We are the masters of our country, and we should always think about our country—— Lei Feng

62. I am running not for money, but for the honor of my motherland—— Wang Junxia

63. I firmly believe that no difficulty can defeat the heroic Chinese people—— Hu

64. I love my motherland and my people. Without it and them, I cannot survive, let alone write.

65. The heart of the minister is a magnetic needle stone, which does not refer to the south—— Wen Tianxiang's "Yangtze River"

66. I most pity you for the midnight dance. I said, "Men are as determined as iron" to see how to try and mend the sky.

67. Anyone who does not belong to his own country does not belong to human beings—— Belinsky

68. For the sake of the prosperity and strength of the Chinese nation, I will devote all my knowledge and wisdom—— Qian Weichang

69. Heroism is not without tears. The man is seven feet tall and willing to donate for the motherland—— Chen Hui

70. Light money, heavy duty, honest and resolute, jealous of evil and good, love hometown and patriotism—— founder of Amoy University

71. Never do anything that is hidden from others, never do anything harmful to others, and never avoid anything that is beneficial to the country—— Lv Kun

72. Only the soul of the people is valuable, and only when it is carried forward can China make real progress—— Lu Xun

73. I value the interests of my motherland more than my own life and my cherished children—— Shakespeare

74. The ancients had a patriotic heart of death without regret, and today people have a patriotic feeling of inflexibility—— nameless

75. Without the motherland, there is no happiness. Everyone must be rooted in the soil of the motherland—— Turgenev

76. It is our sacred duty to love our motherland and strive for its future—— Su Buqing

77. Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return to hometown; Although paradise is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time. Come back—— Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician

78. We should learn from each other and do our best to make our country rich and strong enough to stand on the earth without being subjected to foreign aggression—— Zhan Tianyou

79. I am a descendant of the Chinese people, and I will certainly devote all the knowledge I have learned to my dear motherland—— Li Siguang

80. When you die, you know that everything is empty, but you can't see that Jiuzhou is the same. Wang Shi set the Central Plains Day in the north, and told Naiweng about the family sacrifice—— Lu You

81. When Dajiangge stops, it turns to the east, and the dense group helps the poor. Facing the wall for ten years is like a broken wall. It's hard to reward a hero for walking across the sea—— Zhou Enlai

82. One flower can't make a beautiful spring. One person who is advanced is always alone. Only those who are advanced can move mountains and fill the sea—— Lei Feng

83. You must go through the motherland and then go up to the next level to reach the height of mankind—— Roman Roland

84. How can patriotism be the same as pessimism? The pillar of patriotism is hope—— Lohyd George

85. Don't be too obsessed with freedom. Freedom that is not restricted at all has many harms and dangers—— Craylov

86. As long as one loves his motherland and has a patriotic heart, everything can be solved. We can bear all kinds of sufferings and grievances—— Ice core

87. It is better to die than live in disgrace—— He Xiangning tidies up the beautiful rivers and mountains, and all the people are the masters—— Zhu De

88. A true patriot need not wait for any special opportunity. He can show his love for the motherland in his own position—— Su Buqing

89. Patriotism is deeply rooted in human instinct and feelings. Patriotism is magnified filial piety—— Dai Da Fielder

90. How great is the power of patriotism! In front of it, people's love for life and fear of suffering are nothing! In front of it, people themselves are nothing—— Chernychevsky

91. After I die, I will send my ashes to my hometown... bury it and plant an apple tree on it, so that I can finally repay the land and people of my hometown—— outstanding Communist military leader

92. Love the motherland, which is the purest, most sensitive, most powerful, most tender, most affectionate, most tender, and most severe emotion. A person who really loves his motherland is a real person in all aspects—— Suhomlinski

93. A person's service to the people does not necessarily have to stand at the conference to make a speech or do some earth shaking cause. He tells others what he knows and thinks of at any time, anywhere, bit by bit, which is virtually sowing and cultivating for the country—— Fu Lei

94. Those who have no self-respect can still be patriotic, and they can sacrifice the majority for the minority. They love the soil of their graves, but they have no sympathy for the spirit that can make them energetic. Patriotism is the maggot in their heads—— Henry David Thoreau