Beautiful Sentences Classic Aesthetics (27 selected sentences)
Drink wine to your heart
2023-06-24 07:33:58
Complete sentences

1. Beside the red roses, the jade people burn incense, the green plum is broken, the bamboo and horse are paired, and the mandarin ducks are envied.

2. Constantly missed, easily failed, unknowingly stranger.

3. Turning the track of time, blooming with mandalas; Miss tangled growth hair, smooth your care, love you are a flower watered with life

4. The shadow of the parasol tree is broken under the moon, the wind is disordered, and the warblers are flying. Smile a little, make people drunk every year. Tonight, the soul dreams of Chang'an Night. No one can see but empty tears.

5. When you can't help shedding tears, open your eyes and never blink! You will see the whole process of the world from clear to fuzzy, and your heart will become clear and clear at the moment when your tears fall

6. Life is like a dance. The person who taught you the first dance step may not be able to accompany you to the free copy

7. Borrow a shadow window to float a candle light; Puppets dance hard, and pink ink is a scene; A disorderly life is desolate

8. Ask you if you want to return, and hold your sleeve. The clouds in the sky follow the wind. Drunken by the setting sun, peach blossoms in full bloom, vaguely see you melancholy.

9. Love and hate, a joys and sorrows, a volume of history, a dust and vicissitudes of life.

10. The red candle is a silhouette of someone who can make a cup and drink it. This life, but pay your heart.

11. No matter how beautiful it is, it can't stand forgetting, and no matter how sad it is, it can't stand time.

12. The long Huai River looks broken, and the wind and rain become tears. A little sadness turned into flowing water. Two flying swallows are close to each other. In this life, love and dreams are hard to end. Spring is always charming. I look at the sky with no words, but I would like to exchange wine for wine.

13. If you will think of me carelessly in the future, please don't forget that I once loved you so deeply.

14. In fact, I always believe that I don't need to remember anything, because I never forget

15. There are too many unknowns in life. One idea, one decision, often has or misses a fate. I choose love because it is predestined, but I choose not to love because it is predestined. Waiting for expectations and dreams, rubbing shoulders with those who don't love, and working hand in hand with those who love.

16. Yellow sand is flying all over the sky, poppies are fragrant; You smile pale and long, like a kind of purple sandalwood

17. The fishing river is clear, and the minivan of Qingheyuan Temple is enjoying the clouds through the novice monk; Realize the floating life and follow the tranquility!

18. Pain is a grope in the dark, and the road ahead is full of frustrations; Pain is a sorrow that no one understands, facing all setbacks helplessly; Pain is the deepest torture of the soul, without tears and can not speak frankly; Pain is a natural expression, a devil in troubles.

19. The wind is curling, the water is full of thousands of flowers, and the bell rings at the corner of the cornice pavilion. As I remember, when you look back at the smile, you will enjoy a hundred days of fragrance.

20. Live elegantly! Maybe your life is not rich; Maybe your work is not good enough; Maybe you are in trouble; Maybe you are trapped by love. Whatever the reason, please make yourself smile and face life calmly when you go out.

21. Flying flowers and floating catkins, dancing in neon clothes, are full of feelings. With wide sleeves and flowing clouds, the music of the zither is condensed at the fingertips, and the water is free from the hustle and bustle.

22. Time is still here, we are flying by.

23. Love without love will never go bad. So, we flirt, we are ambiguous, but never love each other.

24. Realize the floating life and follow the tranquility! The water can't move, the fish can't move

25. Do you want to change the beautiful line on the sideburns? Delicate contingency in the palm, is this heart breaking ceaseless? The cold mind seems irrelevant, whose eyes are watching? The bloodstains on the tip of the tongue are sweet and painful, but whose lips are dry?

26. The words told to the tree are embedded in the tree ring, and gradually grow into towering memories with fleeting years.

27. What's the meaning of asking for love in ancient times? It's a bitter and joyful way to leave; Come here hand in hand, remember the past, and write the story of life