90 Blessing Words for 2021 College Entrance Examination
wishing you prosperity
2023-02-08 04:57:45
SMS Collection

1. Wave your hand and let you go first. I hope you will always remember my natural smile. The college entrance examination is coming as scheduled. I hope you and I will meet in high school and meet again in the ideal school!

2. When the college entrance examination comes, take your enterprising spirit, your full confidence and your determination to win, and enter the university you like. I wish you a successful and brilliant exam! come on.

3. The sky is blue and the water is clear. I hope you have a correct attitude and a clear mind; The cloud is light, the wind is light, and I hope you are ready for the light pressure and the light attitude of the results. I wish you success in the college entrance examination!

4. Once you have completed your studies, you will be on the honor roll. You will be closer to your dream. You will have to be considerate when filling in the form of volunteers. The market requires personal expertise, and you can't just stick to one end and contribute to the country to achieve yourself. Bless the bright future.

5. Want to say love you, feel too heavy; If you want to say like it, it feels too light; Day by day, day by day, sleepless night by night, I can only count the green curtain beads of Acacia, and send them to your window by the stars and the moon. I wish you all the best in the college entrance examination!

6. Study hard and don't worry your parents; Be calm and relaxed, and make parents feel at ease; Exam excels others and does not worry parents; Realize your dream and make your parents happy. May you succeed in the college entrance examination!

7. Study without sleep and food to create opportunities for success; The test of every minute to create the realization of dreams; The college entrance examination is coming, and your study is relaxed and orderly. I wish you good results in the college entrance examination.

8. June is coming to welcome the college entrance examination. The weather is hot and irritable. We should fight the college entrance examination with a peaceful attitude. We should not change our living habits. We should relax and have less pressure. After finishing the exam, we should forget one subject. We should be more brave and have high aspirations. The gold list title is famous and happy!

9. The hot sun in June accompanied by the fragrance of flowers, and the arrival of good news brought refreshing. Sweep away anxiety and dryness, and bring happiness and laughter. Today's Zhongbang is famous, and the way to realize the dream is bright. Take the victory and set sail again to create a brilliant tomorrow.

10. In June, the sun is bright and bright, and the good news is like rain. It flows into the heart river, scouring anxiety and enjoying happiness. He is a good boy who has won the gold medal. He can only grow after entering the university again. Aspiration is high, and the bright future shines.

11. After ten years of hard work, we will never regret it. The winner is the most proud, and the whole family is happy and cheerful. You come and I celebrate together, laughing and singing songs of praise. The dream takes off, the heart is happy, the future is bright and more brilliant.

12. When the magpies chirp, they wish to win the gold list. Parents and relatives smiled, and the phoenix flew out of the cave. I have been studying hard for many years, and I have seriously thought about filling in my volunteer. I wish you a great future!

13. After more than ten years of hard work, the good news came today. Everyone congratulates everyone on the golden list, and parents and relatives smile. The dream of many years has finally come true, and the university has advanced knowledge. I create a grand blueprint, and a bright future is ahead of me!

14. Study hard in the cold window, and try on the court today; It's time to spread your wings when you are on the golden list; The ambition is in the chest, and the future is splendid; The future will be wonderful without changing the pride. On the college entrance examination day, may you hold your head high and rush forward to realize your dream in one fell swoop!

15. When I returned from the exam, I felt happy and smiled. Good news was reported frequently, and the results were outstanding on the gold list. Parents and relatives are happy, and the neighborhood is beautiful and famous. Congratulations on the sound of the school's further education!

16. The green mountains and clear water bring refreshing, and the red good news is happy. The whole family was filled with laughter, and the teacher and students congratulated each other. Today, I am enrolled in a famous school again, and continue to set sail with high aspirations. Persisting in the pursuit of knowledge, we have a bright future.

17. The college entrance examination shows that in life, a turning point, a good opportunity, we should seize it. We should be positive, not anxious, calm, not hesitating, have strength, not hesitate, be confident, not afraid, bless you, have a good exam, and succeed!

18. The day of college entrance examination is coming again. We should eat well and have enough food to sleep for a few days. We should have enough spirit to welcome the college entrance examination. Confidence is very important. We should be calm and smile. We should be ready to embrace the college entrance examination. We wish the college entrance examination a success.

19. Don't be afraid of the college entrance examination. Think of it as a game. Put your mind right and don't be impetuous. Put your mind right and don't be anxious. Give full play to your best strength and calmly deal with the questions. I wish you good results in the exam and brilliant achievements in the golden examination.

20. When the college entrance examination comes again, I hope you can have a good rest in the evening, relax, exercise, maintain nutrition, review your lessons, and play well on the spot. In short, everything is good. I wish you success in the college entrance examination and success in the exam!

21. There are famous music and pottery on the list, and the ideal university to pursue further education; The major you like should apply for an examination, and you should grasp knowledge firmly; The future is bright and bright. I am happy and happy. I received the admission notice early, and then I will spread the good news again.

22. Year after year, perseverance! It's sharp to pass one exam after another! One by one, strength! (Blessing) Send one after another, friendship! I wish all the friends who are struggling in the front line of the college entrance examination a smooth exam!

23. The national college entrance examination day is coming, and many students have high morale. Be confident and not anxious, and take the exam calmly. Parents and relatives look forward to it, and the celebrities on the gold list laugh. May you put down the pressure and relax, eat well, sleep well and get good grades!

24. If you want to pick roses, you must first break the thorn branches; If you want to take a smooth road, you must cut down the thorns; If you want to see the dawn, you must brave the night silence; If you want to take an exam in high school, you must work harder: be virtuous and hardworking, and wish the college entrance exam a success!

25. Facing the college entrance examination, I have been struggling for ten years. Go to bed early and get up early to have a good rest, eat well with nutrition, stay away from raw and cold snacks, prepare test equipment, and play well in preparation. I wish you success in the college entrance examination!

26. The sun shines brightly when the sky shines, and the news of victory is often heard laughing. The dream of winning the gold list has been fulfilled, and then go to college for further study. A brilliant life needs to be created, and you will become a hero after learning. Friends and relatives bless you, and wish you a bright future!

27. The college entrance examination is coming, so sleep more and stay up less; Be more confident and less worried; More relaxed, less pressure; Smile more, worry less, and wish the college entrance exam a success and excellent results.

28. When the college entrance examination is coming, you should adjust your mood, keep calm and not tense, take a rest early and shake your spirit, do not disturb the pace of life, combine work and rest with less tossing, go to the examination room with confidence and win the gold medal! Wish the college entrance exam a success!

29. After ten years of hard work, I am sure of success. I am happy to celebrate. My whole family is happy. I have a lot of opinions to consider carefully. I have both grades and hobbies. I have high aspirations to serve the motherland. Wish you good luck and success every step.

30. Come on for the college entrance examination! My dear friends, calm down, control your emotions, take the exam with a normal attitude, forget one after the exam, and let yourself relax and have a good rest. I hope you can go to high school!

31. Dear students, we have been together for so long, and it is you who are paying for me. I haven't done anything for you... If I'm a bull in the next life, I will. I will pull grass for you! The college entrance examination went well!

32. You are about to take the college entrance examination. I found hundreds of blessings on Baidu and countless auspicious words on Sogou, but I think they are too vulgar. I just want to sincerely say to you: the college entrance examination is smooth, ten years of hard work today!

33. Today, three years ago, we entered the high school hall with ignorance. Today, three years later, we are going to the society, holding the dazzling college entrance examination transcripts, dear university, are you ready to welcome us?

34. The first page: doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduate students, endless! The second page: the 5th, the 6th, the 7th, the 5th unemployment! Horizontal scroll: willing to accept defeat. It is another year of college entrance examination. May this year's candidates have a bright future!

35. When the college entrance examination is coming, I will give you three magic weapons for the college entrance examination: a lucky magic pen, which will give you full marks; A piece of eraser is correct once the wrong question is corrected; I wish you a lot, and you will surely win the college entrance examination. On the college entrance examination day, I wish you success and double your luck!

36. On a sunny day in June, the college entrance examination is just ahead of us, and we have been studying sages for ten years; Learning is not a one-way street. There are thousands of ways out of it. Be calm and take the exam calmly. It's really gratifying to be on the list. Don't be upset if you are not famous! I wish you great success in the college entrance examination!

37. The flowers in June are fragrant and colourful, and the good news is very fragrant. Parents and relatives are happy, and ten years of hard work will be paid. There is no end to learning and strive again, and colleges and universities have abundant knowledge for further study. Today, the number one scholar has become a pillar, making contributions to the country and setting sail. Wish you a bright future!

38. Ten years of hard study, just for today's dream. Hard work pays off, hard work pays off. The college entrance examination is in good condition, and there is no problem in writing. Celebrities are proud, parents and relatives are laughing. I wish you great success in the college entrance examination!

39. Ten years of sharpening a pen, ten years of winter and summer training skills. Ten years of hard work for the dream, for the interests of the country and the people. Be confident in the exam and write splendid articles. He was filled with joy and reported good results. I wish you happiness!

40. Exams come and go, playing with score games; Many students struggle for the day and night through hard study; Ideal and reality, a pen writes the distance; The cold ivory tower is not the only one to pursue; Relax, believe in yourself, there will be miracles!

41. The magpie branches chirp, and the good news comes from Letao Tao. The crowd competed for the best show, and laughed at the golden list. Ten years of hard work has yielded results, and the dream is now realized. A famous university smiles at you. You are a hero when you return from the Ming Dynasty. May you have a bright future.

42. Auspicious clouds are shining brightly, and good news is reported frequently. If you win the first place in the imperial examination, your family and friends will be full. The same feeling in the past ten years in cold window, realizing the dream show prospect. The sea of learning is endless, and diligent in learning and researching skills. I wish you all the best.

43. Don't be nervous before the exam, take a deep breath and relax more. During the exam, you should be serious, carefully examine the questions and think more. After the exam, you should be calm and wait more happily. On the National College Entrance Examination Day, I hope students can play their best, enter an ideal university and create a brilliant life!

44. Fragrant and beautiful flowers are in full bloom, and the news of victory is heard frequently. Kung Fu pays off well, and thousands of students are the best. Laughing and laughing, flowers are presented, and majors from famous schools volunteer to fill in. Continue to study and travel, and be brilliant and enterprising. May you have a bright future.

45. Happy to win the gold list, and the whole family leaped with excellent results. Deliberate and consider volunteering, professional hobby is the first choice. Filling in famous schools does not follow the trend. It depends on the real talent of the university. Only after further study and knowledge can we display our talents and win glory for our country after graduation. I wish you a bright future!

46. The flowers are brilliant in June, and the good news is always in blossom. It is like spring rain moistening the heart and singing happily. All my teachers and students praise me for winning the gold medal. The leaders of famous universities and colleges are talented, and the dream of reaching the summit is realized. I wish you a bright future!

47. In June, the success report was filled with joy, and the candidate volunteered to realize his dream. Read the enrollment brochure carefully and choose professional interests to help. It is most appropriate to consider hobbies, and never be confused when choosing a school. Firmly aim to set sail in life and continue to learn more.

48. After ten years of hard work, I hope you will become a lucky boy in the college entrance examination. I hope you will rise like a roc in the wind and soar 90 thousand miles. On the day of the exam, I wish you a comfortable meal, a warm sleep, a smooth exam and a happy smile. The college entrance examination went well!

49. The mountain peonies are in full bloom, and the mountain villages are thriving. The golden wind birds fly in the gullies, and the hometown lovers smile. He went around to praise, and won the first place on the gold list. Never fail to live up to the neighbors, and colleges and universities will study again. I wish you a new voyage.

50. Accurately evaluate the score based on the test results, and be clear headed and not dull; Colleges and universities take advice in many ways and consider comprehensively in combination with their own; Interests are good at comprehensive consideration, and professional selection should be more careful! Until September, I wish you a successful future!

51. Send away the fragrance of May flowers and usher in the time of peach and plum in June. The college entrance examination is coming, send you a short message: you can ignore me, but you can't lose yourself; You can not read the short message, but you can not lose confidence. I wish the college entrance exam a success!

52. At noon on the weeding day, there is no lonely road to study. Who knows the middle of the volume, every word is hard. Get ready before the exam. If you have a correct attitude, your achievements will be high. Confidence should be firm, and answer questions calmly. I wish you success in your college entrance examination.

53. When the wind blows, the lotus pond is clear and rippling, and the good news is reported frequently, we can sing happily. The breeze and blue waves have gone away from anxiety, and the dream of winning the gold list has been fulfilled. Excited and thoughtful, I invited my classmates to celebrate the banquet. Famous schools grind sharp swords, grow knowledge and create brilliance. I wish you great talent and strategy.

54. The sun shines brightly on the summer lotus, and the good news flies into the river of expectation. The whole family laughed and cheered, and relatives and friends congratulated and blessed each other. We held a banquet to celebrate our achievements and invited guests and friends to share our dreams of learning. Today's winners continue to set sail, and tomorrow's success will be brilliant.

55. A piece of auspicious clouds is coming from the sky, and a piece of good news seems to blossom. Fragrant flowers bloom and smile, and auspicious clouds surround each other. Family music was named on the golden list, and students and friends sang songs of praise. Today, we will set sail for a book tour, persevere and strive again. Wish you a better tomorrow.

56. Ten li lotus trees hang on all sides, and a piece of good news sings a happy song. Blue waves rise in my heart, and thousands of feelings are flying. After ten years of hard work on the gold medal list, the dream is now flying. Re entering a famous school will pave the way for a bright future in the Ming Dynasty. I wish you a bright future.

57. I have been studying hard for more than ten years. I have been happy and bitter all the time. Many years of dreams come true today, and you are ready to go to the examination room. Careful examination of the topic is not careless, and the writing is as calm as a god. When Zhicong leaves the examination room, he waits for the golden list. Wish you good results in the college entrance examination!

58. The college entrance examination is coming. I send my best wishes to you. I wish you to be confident and steady in the examination room. Your ideas will turn the river into the sea, your wisdom will soar, your brain will be lively, your mind will be stable, your pen will fly fast, your performance will be among the best, and your ideal will be near at hand.

59. Go out of the examination room with confidence and be full of happiness. The good news in June is like summer flowers, blooming in your home. Come to congratulate us on the success of the gold list. The whole family is excited and happy. Realize the good dream of life, and travel and study will be brilliant. I hope you can go to universities for further study.

60. Ten years of hard work, ten years of ups and downs, ten years of hard work, ten years of book wars usher in today's exam. I hope students will turn the ten years of preparation into a sword in today's exam room, and make great efforts to achieve better results!

61. A hundred flowers are blooming, and the magpies are singing, and the good news is falling. After learning the good news, all the students invited each other to come. Raise a toast to your teacher, never forget to teach and never be proud. Higher education institutions further study, and set sail for a new channel after graduation. I wish you a good career.

62. The national college entrance examination day is coming, and the streets are quiet. Many students work hard and study hard for college entrance examination. Neighborhood friendship is good, and children can sleep well. I hope the title of the golden list will be filled with laughter and gratitude. Wish you good results in the college entrance examination!

63. The flowers in June are particularly colorful, and the garden is full of colorful fragrance. I like the title of the golden list, and my parents and relatives smile. Ten years of hard work sharpening a sword, today the university will study again. Come back to become a pillar and make contributions to the country and the people. I wish you a bright future!

64. Have a good attitude, do everything well, write good answers, and play well in the college entrance examination battlefield. Good state, good everything, good mood, good grades, life turns from now on. Confidence will rise a hundredfold, and you will win the exam and be invincible. I wish you success in the college entrance examination and good results.

65. Enlarge your dreams to your heart and be confident; Show your talents in the examination room and give full play to them; Banish wisdom to the pen and show it brilliantly; Put your mind into the college entrance examination, like a fish in water. On the National College Entrance Examination Day, I wish you success in your college entrance examination!

66. Ask the world, what is the college entrance examination? Direct teaching follows one after another. A young man from all over the world is intoxicated without discrimination. Less laughter, more pain, more confusion, who can understand. I hope that after the college entrance examination, we can sing and drink like crazy, and all the things in our youth will be laughed at.

67. The results of the college entrance examination began to appear, and the good news spread quickly. In ancient times, there was Jinluan Hall, the No. 1 Scholar, and now there is Tsinghua Park, Peking University. Flowers and applause continued, and happy gongs and drums were announced. To be outstanding is a wish, and friends and relatives are all happy. Wish: No. 1 Scholar and good luck!

68. Youth is a picture, and college entrance examination is the finishing touch; Life is the way forward, and college entrance examination is the turning point; Life is a journey of sailing, and college entrance examination is a driving wind; Life is the way to climb mountains, and college entrance examination is the stepping stone. I hope that students will succeed in the exam.

69. During the college entrance examination, pay attention to travel and avoid early travel. During the college entrance examination, you should hold your certificate well. During the college entrance examination, you should manage your mood and be happy. On the college entrance examination day, I wish tens of millions of troops a successful start and a quick success!

70. The beautiful flowers are full of branches, and the good news is delivered today. It's like flowers blooming in my heart, fragrant and happy. The family and friends held a banquet to celebrate the success, and the banquet was full of sound atmosphere. Be determined to raise the talent and think about the sail, and have a good tour of books. May you stride forward on the road of life.

71. Write with confidence, write with ambition and write with heart. Accompany with your heart, be comfortable with your heart, and be full of optimism. Get rid of worry, let go of worry, do everything as you please, and hope you are happy. I wish you success in the college entrance examination, success in the exam and success in the exam.

72. The village committee loudspeaker shouted, ranking third in the college entrance examination. The whole family smiled happily and filled in the form to think carefully. At present, popular schools do not want to rush, and fashionable schools do not follow. Hobbies and majors are orientation, and studying in schools is the key. I wish you a bright future in an ideal university.

73. The scenery in June is infinitely good, and a smile ripples from the good news. Parents and relatives are happy, and classmates and friends bless you long. The kung fu pays off well. After ten years of hard work, he became the No. 1 Scholar. Careful consideration of volunteer filling will make the university a pillar. After learning, I will return to my career and have a bright and happy future!

74. In June, the scorching sun seemed to burn, and the magpie called after returning from the college entrance examination. I am proud of my outstanding achievements, and my family is happy to volunteer. It is important to think carefully and consult information. The characteristics of the school understand that both interests and hobbies should be taken into consideration. I am in a good mood to fill in the application smoothly, and I received the admission notice early.

75. After ten years of hard work, we will realize our dreams. Kung Fu pays off, and the best results will pay off. All relatives and friends encourage us to study and test our achievements. Parents are most proud of their happiness, and all the nominees on the gold list are happy. I wish you a famous school and your family will laugh happily.

76. After decades of hard work in the cold window, sweat and tears fly together to compose poems. How many times have you worked hard in this life? Be impassioned and increase morale. Don't stop for setbacks. Laugh at how changeable the situation is. I can cope with it. I hope you will win the title in the imperial examination!

77. The green grass is as fragrant as flowers, and the victory is flying. The whole family laughed happily when she walked into the house. They competed to pass around Mu Jinguang, and firecrackers roared to celebrate their busy time. Laughing and singing in memory of those years, hard work in the heart. Today, we set sail to help the sea, and the return of the Ming Dynasty is heroic.

78. When you come back from the examination room, you will feel happy. The good news in June is like flying flowers, and your figure comes to your home. The whole family laughs and celebrates together, and relatives and friends are happy for you. Full of fighting spirit, the dream is flying, and the road to further learning is spacious. A bright future and a good life.

79. One successful person and the whole family laugh when the sun shines on the golden list. Carefully consider volunteer newspaper and pay attention to interests and hobbies. It is learned that famous universities smile at you. Realize your dream and be happy today. High ambition to continue to fight, the future of the motherland is a good hero.

80. Don't be impatient when the college entrance examination comes. Keep your mood steady and calm. Be quick in thinking and don't mess around. It's better to be easy before difficult. Don't be late when you enter the examination room early. Be familiar with the environment and clear headed. In the morning, it's better to eat well and read carefully. I wish you a good result in the exam, and Jinpang's nomination is very happy.

81. The National College Entrance Examination Day is coming, and many students welcome the college entrance examination. People who put down pressure are relaxed and play well in their state. Don't be impatient in the examination room. Don't write until you see the questions clearly. Don't rush to hand in your papers. Check your habits carefully. I wish you good results in the college entrance examination, and your family and friends will laugh!

82. The smoke of battle in June was dispersed, and the clouds appeared in July. There are too many colleges and universities in the country to fill in the application carefully. Profession is my favorite, and only trying to be famous will miss my future. Studying further is the key, and talent will blossom in the future. I wish friends and famous universities give consideration to both majors and receive the admission notice early.

83. After several years of hard work, I learned the truth and competed in the college entrance examination. Carefully examine the questions without panic, calmly answer the paper and write strange words. The dragon flies and the phoenix dances. There is no enemy after passing the pass. Full of joy and good achievements, the whole family laughed and praised the first. The National College Entrance Examination Day is coming. I wish you a great success!

84. Go to the examination room after studying hard for several years, calm and calm; Carefully answer the questions with sufficient confidence, and overcome difficulties with smooth sailing; A new chapter of flower book is created with a brilliant pen, and the talent is amazing; I'm here today to send my best wishes. On the National College Entrance Examination Day, I wish you success!

85. In June, we heard the news of the success of the Golden List. Relatives and friends came to congratulate and volunteered to ask. Think carefully and think again. Interests should come first. Rejoice with the volunteer newspaper and wait for the notice to come to the university. May you continue to study and make great achievements, and create brilliant future!

86. In June, hundreds of flowers bloomed, and I heard good news. All relatives and friends came to see and praised the rich family for being the No. 1 Scholar. Many people are talking about filling in the form of volunteers, and good hospitals prefer to choose majors. Choose a school carefully and appropriately, and get a doctor. I wish my friends: knowledgeable and brilliant, and busy building a country.

87. In June, the sun was shining high, and the good news of the exam came. There are quite a few schools to recruit students. Focus only on finding interests and never let go of ideal goals. Delightedly volunteered, and the notifier of the bill laughed. I hope you will receive the admission notice as soon as possible and enter the university for further study!

88. There is a general trend called "Don't be nervous", a model called "Be confident", a composition format called "Have a good rest", a mathematical formula called "Have a good attitude", an English knowledge called "Be good", and a blessing method called "Relax". You can succeed! I wish you well in the college entrance examination!

89. After ten years of hard work, the college entrance examination is coming. Be upright and calm, never be anxious or anxious. Eat a light diet with less meat to avoid indigestion. Don't be late to enter the examination room early, so as not to throw away ten years of hard work. I hope you will enjoy your success in the college entrance examination!

90. Don't panic when the college entrance examination is coming. I hope you will hold the "confident" steel gun, carry the "calm" cannon, and kill the battlefield of the "college entrance examination". I wish you success in seizing the highland, sweeping the battlefield easily, blowing the victory horn, and returning the victorious king!