81 short sentences
The sea is in the sun
2023-03-06 01:55:30
Complete sentences

1. Books are our companions, and accompany us to spend a good life.

2. We don't make the teacher angry. The teacher's dream will come true.

3. A narrow mind is full of troubles, a broad mind is full of wisdom.

4. The Venetian dinghy is light and agile, like a water snake in a ditch.

5. The mountain is dark and has no edges. The cliff head is like cutting with a knife and an axe.

6. The long water grass undulates with the flowing water, like the wind blowing the wheat waves.

7. Diligent and tenacious study can always make you further.

8. The cuckoo bird played a beautiful music on the stage in spring.

9. The grass quietly greened the whole mountain, weaving spring clothes for the hometown.

10. Rose thorns can't wither my love even if they hurt my fingers.

11. If only pine trees are planted, one day there will be no pine trees.

12. A few rows of withered willows hung like untidy hair, stripped of their leaves, and swayed in the cold wind.

13. Don't be jealous of him. If you are jealous of him, you will be short. Don't protect your own short. If you protect your short, you will not grow long.

14. The sun, which has just risen, is full of energy and red light, illuminating the whole world.

15. The grass swayed under the breeze, as if dancing and singing with the morning breeze.

16. The piles of grass on the cliff, which were dyed red by autumn frost, looked like cuckoos all over the mountain.

17. The mottled shadows of the trees were clearly cast on the path, like paper-cut paintings with appropriate shades.

18. In the river, little tad tads are swimming playfully, as if looking for their mother. They are very cute.

19. Loud sound of reading flies out of all classrooms, like a moving children's chorus, with notes all over the sky.

20. All kinds of foolish things, under the influence of reading good books every day, seem to be baked on the fire, and gradually melt.

21. Spring is a season full of vitality, beauty, magic and hope.

22. The sky is full of red clouds, the sea is full of gold waves, and the red sun is like a furnace of boiling molten steel, spewing out and shining with gold.

23. Spring is a season full of vitality, beauty, magic and hope.

24. In late spring, it is the time when the flowers all over the trees are blooming and fragrant. The fragrance that overflows all around is really intoxicating.

25. Spring is like a shy girl, hiding, hiding. Spring is like a baby, small and cute.

26. The calm water in the river wakes up from the purity of winter, and is dressed green by the color of nature.

27. His ears are white and red, with clear earrings. The outer and inner rings are well proportioned, like a carved work of art.

28. The spring breeze is warm, and the bright spring light shines on the earth. Everything shows vitality, forming a beautiful landscape.

29. When the pomegranate fruit is old and ripe, it splits and exposes the pearl and agate like seeds, like the bright teeth of a girl smiling.

30. It was eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and the bright sun painted gold and silver rings on the leaves.

31. The bright red sunset lingers on the treetops, dropping a touch of melancholy. The woods in the twilight are so quiet and beautiful.

32. The crescent moon is like a small boat, with its sharp bow tilted, paddling in the quiet lake at night, sending me a piece of love.

33. The sun is like a big boss's fireball. The light is scorching. The road is scorched by the scorching sun. Step down and a bunch of white smoke will appear.

34. The sun slowly penetrates through the clouds, revealing its swollen red face, looking at the earth like a shy girl.

35. There is a shabby flower bag in my desk bucket. Although it is shabby, it is my boat and a treasure.

36. Falling down is not failure, but failing to get up is failure; Walking is not success, only perseverance is victory.

37. There are people everywhere for outings. There are elderly people who are kind and satisfied, lovers who are happy and cheerful, and children who are innocent and smiling.

38. The color of the grass is rich and colorful. It is connected piece by piece, which is better than the tapestry woven by skillful hands. It is alive, natural and harmonious.

39. The golden rape flower has become the heaven and earth of butterflies. The beautiful butterflies dance softly and beautifully on the golden stage.

40. Spring brings a new look to the earth. Spring fills the school garden with spring. Spring gives us joy and hope and urges us to make progress.

41. Watching from afar and waiting quietly is also a kind of beauty. Deep concern and silent blessing are also a kind of beautiful mood.

42. The round spring moon, like a round fan gently shaken in the hands of the Ninth Heaven Fairy, has removed the misty night fog and sent a warm breeze to the earth.

43. The spring breeze is like a kind mother's hand, gently touching my face; Like the figure of a naughty child, it suddenly disappeared.

44. Human life is limited, but serving the people is unlimited. I will devote my limited life to serving the people limitlessly.

45. When the spring wind blows the earth green, the flowers all over the city become red and the willows thousands of miles away become green. Swallow wings bring the information of spring sowing in Jiangnan to hometown.

46. The old man has gray hair all over his head, his tawny skin seems to be soaked in fat, and his eyes have become a line. It seems that it takes a lot of effort to open them.

47. You see, in the streets and alleys of the city, busy people come and go. In the fields of the countryside, farmers are sowing the seeds of hope.

48. Life without love is incomplete, and love without pain is not profound. Love enriches life, while pain sublimates love.

49. The lilac flowers in the grass gather together in clusters to string together the dream of the violet and the happy pieces, which are particularly attractive in the green.

50. Reading history makes people wise, reading poetry makes people intelligent, learning mathematics makes people precise, physics makes people profound, ethics makes people noble, logic and rhetoric makes people good at debating.

51. The sunshine in spring is particularly bright. Spring girl opens her smiling face. The sun, the red beam of light, gently touches you like a young mother's hand.

52. Spring is a kind patron saint. It wakes up the lovely flowers, trees, birds, animals, insects and fish from the cold winter, making the earth full of vitality.

53. Flowers and bones peep out of the green leaves like curious children, looking around the beautiful world. The fragrance of flowers comes to the nose and fills the whole street.

54. The park is bustling again. Young people taking photos, old people fishing, and children catching insects are all intoxicated with nature and reluctant to leave.

55. The early summer is different from the warm and pleasant spring and the icy and snowy winter; Not like the height of autumn, not like the heat of midsummer. It makes people feel different.

56. I still don't know what loneliness is. I haven't felt the happiness of love yet. Today, when I separated from you, I felt lonely and lost for the first time.

57. Swimming! With a cry, a group of children plopped into the water. They are like fish, swimming happily in the cold pond water, enjoying the caress of the pond water.

58. Taste life and complete the evil humanity. Life is like a letter reply. It will send back whatever you send, reap whatever you sow, and get whatever you give.

59. In fact, what you want to do in the sun is not the benefits brought by the sun, but a taste of the process, more importantly, a mood, a bright mood brought by the sun.

60. Spring is full of people's hard work. People use their own hands to sow their firm belief and eternal hope, true love and selfless love.

61. The spring breeze in March quietly ran to the park to let the stream take off its thick ice coat, and the stream returned to its original beautiful body. It also allows children's kites to fly farther.

62. Ten years of aging can not compare with her profound fragrance; The fragrance of rice is not as distant and fresh as hers. Wandering in the fragrance of rice and sipping the aged wine, I was intoxicated with the fragrance of books accompanying me.

63. If you read too many books without thinking, you will feel that you know a lot. But when you read and think a lot, you will clearly see that you know little.

64. There are so many trees in the park! There are peach trees, camphor trees, bamboo trees and pine trees, which are tall and straight. Their sturdy trunks are like powerful arms, welcoming every visitor to the park.

65. In summer, the clear river has become a good place for children to spend the summer. You see, they are playing in the water, fighting water battles and fishing in a hurry. They are very happy.

66. If you feel unhappy in ordinary work, the taste of unemployment will make you more distressed; If you think a peaceful life is not comfortable, then the days of illness will make you more miserable.

67. At this time, it is March in spring, and the mountain is already covered with peach blossoms, which are exquisite and fragrant. The peach blossoms fluttered to the ground in the breeze, with a sense of sadness and beauty.

68. Happiness is around us, but we are still unsatisfied. We tirelessly modify our fixed destiny late at night, but we cannot move the wheel of history. We will eventually become strangers, right? I don't believe it.

69. Success will not come to us, we must go to victory; Wisdom will not come to us, we must think hard; Happiness will not come to us. We must experience it with heart.

70. In the morning, the sky was clear and cloudy, and the sun father-in-law coated everything with layers of golden yellow. Groups of beautiful birds are jumping and chirping in the green trees.

71. The soft spring wind blows off the clothes of the bamboo shoots. The sharp bamboo shoots poke out the sharp, furry little heads, open the dim sleeping eyes, and look curiously at the strange world outside.

72. Spring is working and busy. It should prepare for the prosperity of summer, the abundance of autumn, and the rest of winter. What can we do if we don't work? But spring is working and playing. Spring is happy.

73. In the morning, when I open the window, the chilly wind finally weakens, and the sun hides behind the clouds, revealing half of its face. A few eager pear blossoms smiled at the sunshine with a touch of warmth.

74. The cold silence is scattered to the earth by the autumn wind, and there are whispers under the bright sun. I listened attentively, but all the news about you in the wind was quiet, and every miss was called forgetting.

75. Summer is mysterious. At night, the hot people didn't want to sleep. Grandpa lay on the rocking chair, fanning. I looked up at the stars in the sky, counting them without blinking, but I couldn't count them all.

76. As I walked inside, I saw persimmon trees. The persimmons were ripe and shining with golden light under the sun. At this time, red persimmons are really like red lanterns.

77. From the top of the curtain to the right, there is a intertwined Begonia flower. There are five clusters of flowers and leaves scattered up and down; Either loose or dense, they are exquisite. The leaves are tender green, as if they were pinched out of water.

78. The weeping willow, like a girl, combs its elegant long hair in the water. When the breeze blows, its long hair floats in the wind and caresses the river. The small river is clear and bottoming out, and pebbles with different shapes can be seen at a glance.

79. In spring, animals also wake up from deep sleep. The grass began to sprout, and everywhere on the earth appeared a thriving scene. At a glance, everywhere is a green scene, like a watercolor painting.

80. The weather is intoxicating and warm, just in the season when cherry blossoms fall. The sidewalk of fine sand is full of messy pink flowers, some of which are stuck on the green grass on the pavement. A few pear flowers are also dotted with pale petals.

81. Spring not only gives us warmth, but also brings us "wild vegetable delicious" willow leaves, poplar leaves, elm coins, and locust flowers, which fill our stomachs and fill our stomachs with hunger.