Reading the Red Classic Little Hero Comes in the Rain
Get rid of vanity
2023-11-14 14:05:54

Today, I read The Little Hero Rain, and was deeply moved by the story of Rain. It wrote the story of 12 year old Yu Lai covering the heroic struggle between revolutionary cadres and devils, and praised the character of Yu Lai's love for the motherland, wisdom and courage.

The smart little boy, Yu Lai, comes from the beautiful Luhua Village. He is a master swimmer and a student who loves learning. He has loved the motherland, science and national justice since he was young. One night, the Japanese devils came to Luhua Village to clean up. Yulai's parents went to gather and there was only one person at home, Yulai. In order to avoid the Japanese devils, the village traffic attendant Li went to the secret cave in Yulai's home. The devil came after him and lured him to tell Uncle Li's whereabouts with candy bars and gold rings. He would rather die than surrender in exchange for a beating. His eyes were blossoming and his nose was bleeding. Drop by drop of blood splashed on the words in the textbook:

"We are Chinese, and we love our motherland."

The devil decided to shoot him. At dusk, several shots were fired on the riverside, but no rain came. Before the gunshot was fired, when the rain came, the devil jumped into the river. The devil hurriedly shot into the water, but our little hero Yulai had already swam far away from the bottom.

When the rain came to night school, several oil lamps were lit in the dark room, and several children sat around. Yulai carefully opened the textbook wrapped in red cloth, put it on his lap, followed the teacher's fingers and said, "We are Chinese. We love our motherland." His serious attitude was really admirable. Thinking of our study, we sat in a spacious and bright classroom with modern teaching facilities and teachers' Chunchun teaching, but we still looked around, absent-minded. But Yulai still studies so seriously in such a tough environment. He was born in the Anti Japanese War, but he could study hard; As for us, in such a peaceful society, we should study hard, but there is a difference between us and the reality.

When the devil beat the rain. The officer with a flat nose picked up a piece of meat on his face and clenched his teeth. The rainy face immediately turned blue and purple. The nose was hit with blood, and it ran down the cheek, dropping drops of blood on the textbook. However, Rain Lai just wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stubbornly twitched the corners of his mouth, still biting his teeth and keeping the secret. This scene is really frightening! But can we bear such torture under such circumstances? Yu Lai is only a twelve year old child. Born in the Anti Japanese War, his life is in danger at any time. However, he can bravely say no to the most violent enemy. How happy our life is now, with the meticulous care of our parents, the patient teaching of our teachers, and living in the harbor of love, we need not be afraid of any ups and downs. However, we are "not happy when we are in the midst of happiness". We have never thought of doing something small for our family and society.

"Real happiness can only be realized when you truly realize the value of life," said the great writer Nasuf. The article "Little Hero Rain" made me clearly realize the value of life. I will cherish my present life more and understand that all life is hard won, and the present peaceful life is bought by these patriotic teenagers and soldiers with their blood. I want to learn from Yu, be an upright Chinese, a young man who loves learning, and shoulder the responsibility of building the motherland!