The True Story of Ah Q: 800 Words
Laugh over the past
2023-07-31 05:03:34

The True Story of Ah Q takes Weizhuang before and after the 1911 Revolution as the historical stage, takes the activities of the hero Ah Q as the clue, and focuses on criticizing Ah Q's morbid psychological and spiritual victory method to organize materials. In the process of artistic creation, the author not only starts from the real society of China and based on the actual life of farmers, summarizes Ah Q's typical character, but also focuses on such a major historical event as the Revolution of 1911, and designs Weizhuang, an isolated and backward rural village in the south of the Yangtze River, as a typical environment for Ah Q's life. The image of Ah Q has both distinctive personality characteristics and profound typical significance. In this sense, The True Story of Ah Q is a mirror of rural life during the 1911 Revolution, a profound portrayal of the slave life of the working people in old China, and a microcosm of the history of oppression of the Chinese nation in modern times.

Ah Q, without a piece of tile on the top and no land on the bottom, lives alone in the Tugu Temple, and only earns a living by working for others. In his body, the most prominent feature is the "spiritual victory method": willing to humiliate, willing to belittle, yet self mocking, self intoxicated. His "spiritual victory method" was widely representative at that time, not only unique to the lower class farmers like Ah Q, but also reflecting some national characteristics.

In the face of imperialist aggression and humiliation of power, the rulers at that time still called themselves "Heaven", indulged in the comfort of "oriental spiritual civilization", and advocated that Chinese civilization was "looked up to by the world". Isn't that the same as Ah Q's "spiritual victory method"? At present, the society is constantly developing and the people's living standard is rising, but there are still many "Ah Q" who are ignorant and idle, complain about the world and others all day long, do not want to make progress, and slowly degenerate into a social burden. These people are both pathetic and pathetic.

"The fierce heart of a lion, the timid heart of a rabbit, and the cunning heart of a fox". This is Lu Xun's use of the Madman's Diary to describe the character of the rural local tyrants and evil gentry. Uncle Zhao and his son were the representatives of the rural local tyrants and evil gentry at that time. In the novel, they basically do not show good nature, but arrogant because of wealth and dignity, and cowardly because of corruption and decline. They deprived Ah Q of the lowest right to life. They can have wives and concubines in groups, but they appear as defenders of feudal ethics to punish Ah Q who wooed my mother. When the news of the revolution spread to Weizhuang, they humbly called Ah Q "Old Q". When they saw that the revolutionary storm was unstoppable, they speculated and became a destructive force in the revolutionary team.

In shaping the typical image of Ah Q, Mr. Lu Xun paid great attention to the relaxation and light and dark details of the plot: the activities of the hero Ah Q were exposed, the other supporting characters were hidden, the activities of Ah Q in Weizhuang were described too much, and the activities in the city were understated. In addition, Mr. Lu Xun also specializes in satire and humorous language.

The intention of Mr. Lu Xun's creation of The True Story of Ah Q can be stated as follows: focusing on enlightenment, he wrote about the life of old China, mainly about the suffering, indignation, ignorance and backwardness of the vast number of exploited and oppressed working people, hoping to improve this miserable life and wake up the sleeping people