Ancient style signature (15 sentences)
Dream Love Night Star
2023-03-12 19:20:45
Complete set of signatures

1. When we meet, we will have an old friend in the boat.

2. The old man should read that the moon is setting on the cuckoo branch.

3. The white rain dances slowly in Bohe, and the green mountains hold the bun and the water far away.

4. Steal three white pears and borrow a soul of plum blossom.

5. The sky is blue and wide when the autumn clouds disappear, and the water is white and cold on the night moon.

6. The old man in Chang'an asked me that the sad mud and wine were still there.

7. Who embellishes the scattered clouds? Tianrong Haise is clear.

8. When the floating flowers and wave stamens are exhausted, accompany you alone.

9. I like Dongshan best when it is sunny and snowy, and the silver mountain flows in the soft red light.

10. It was even more like the moon and the swing shadow on the wall.

11. The sun is cold, the grass is short, and the moon is bitter, frost white.

12. When the windows are closed in the cold, the plane trees should hate the frost at night.

13. Clouds are green and rain is coming, and the water is pale and pale and smoke is coming.

14. The high hall lights up the wine and the night bell goes back to the sound of wild geese in the waning moon.

15. Clouds cover the moon, but it is not clear who can pull the Yangtze River to wash the sky.