The Miracle of Classroom 56
Learn to cherish
2023-08-26 02:01:52

What is heaven? A small room surrounded by books. The world of books is wonderful. Reading a good book, every sentence, word, word and even every punctuation in the book will make you feel thick. Often after reading, I found that my heart was like a pond after the rain in autumn, gradually enriched.

I got the "Miracle of Classroom 56" for the first time, and was excited to enjoy the educational art life of Ralph Esquez. In combination with his educational life, Ralph Asquith introduced classroom 56 to us bit by bit. The simple language made me deeply feel his unique educational charm and wisdom, leading me to the front.

Li Xigui once said that good teacher-student relationship is the premise of education. In No. 56 classroom, this is a place full of trust. Children trust each other, children trust each other with teachers, and people have good relations with each other. I think this is also a charm of this classroom. Ralph Esquez said that as a teacher, you should always stand up for the children, which is the best way to build trust. We don't need to talk at length about how responsible we are to the children, but let them put their trust on our shoulders. Yes, it is the simplest truth that example is more important than words.

Since I was engaged in education, I haven't done enough to interpret the word "trust". In the class, children will be suspicious of each other, and the trust index between them is not very high. This is also a job I should try to do well in the future. Teachers are role models for children, and their words and deeds are external manifestations of their inner world. I think that, as a teacher, I should do what I say and be strict with myself in everything. I think that over time, under the influence of teachers, children will become another you, a student who speaks well and is full of trust.

If every child is a little angel, then reading is their wings, so that they can fly higher and see farther. Ralph Esquis is a teacher who pays attention to children's reading. He is good at guiding students to read and using the library to mobilize students' enthusiasm for reading. Therefore, in classroom 56, we can feel the fragrance of books.

Cao Wenxuan said: If you don't throw away the book at any time, anywhere, everything will not be lost. I think that reading may not make our children richer, but it can make them more intelligent; Reading may not extend the length of children's lives, but it can certainly change the width of life, increase the thickness of life, and improve the height of life. In my opinion, reading is an elegant gesture, which can make our children more elegant. Influenced by Ralph Asquith, I recommend good reading materials for children in the class, hold reading exchange meetings, etc., so that every child can taste the benefits of reading, wander freely in the book, get out of the narrow space, and move to a broader field!

Respect is a habit. Only through equal communication can real education be produced. In Classroom 56, a student told the reporter that he asked a teacher a question, but the teacher was furious and said to him, "I haven't already told you, you're not listening!" But he thought he had it, but he just couldn't understand it, while he thought Mr. Reeve would explain it 500 times until he understood it. I think that we should not only be patient, but also respect every student, and bend down to communicate with them heart to heart, if we want to walk on the educational journey and enjoy different scenery. Otherwise, simple and brutal education will only make students farther and farther away from us.

As I continued to read The Miracle of Classroom 56, my heart became calm, my mind became rational, and my mind became open, which is a kind of realm brought by reading. It let me find the front and lead me to the front