Inspirational aphorism and aphorism of the junior high school entrance exam (77 selected sentences)
Glorious years
2023-04-25 21:57:46
A complete set of maxims

1. Strive hard to sharpen the will, and stick to unity and friendship.

2. As long as we work hard, as long as we struggle, the strawberries on the cliff are not scenery, but the sweetness in our hearts.

3. Struggle changes destiny. Dream lies in action.

4. Cherish time, create miracles, and see the rainbow without wind and rain.

5. Difficulties, challenges and opportunities help me succeed, and time efficiency and health help me become useful.

6. No pains, no gains; To reap well, one must cultivate well.

7. Fight for a year of spring and autumn, and fight for life without regret.

8. Look at the test questions: calm and happy, look at the tests: really proud.

9. The sweat on the eyebrows and the tears under the eyebrows, you must choose the same.

10. Practice is the high school entrance exam, and the high school entrance exam is practice.

11. Hope is realized by us; Miracles are created by us.

12. Knowledgeable, interrogative, thoughtful, discerning, and committed.

13. There is no round trip ticket in life. Once you leave, you can never return.

14. One hundred days of hard work, one dream. The good news is flying, and the title is golden.

15. Sow with today's tears and reap tomorrow's smile.

16. It is the dawn to overcome the darkness.

17. It is divided into three parts: knowledge and wisdom, three parts are careful and patient, 20% is exam oriented, and one part is calm.

18. Use hard work to make up for congenital deficiencies, so that hard work can open up the road of the day after tomorrow.

19. Go further every day and set foot on the road to success.

20. Although it is hard to get ten thousand drips, it is only after blowing all the wild sand that the gold comes.

21. Believe that you are the best. Nothing can stop you.

22. Surpass yourself, challenge yourself, challenge weaknesses, challenge laziness, and challenge bad habits.

23. Teachers and students work together to make June brilliant.

24. Persistence is the key, difficulty and success.

25. Attitude determines everything, and action has a future.