About lonely copywriting
Between two smokes and water
2023-05-11 07:23:26
Complete sentences

1. I was left alone at the bottom of the sea. My internal organs were suffocated by the water pressure, and my expression was ferocious and twisted due to extreme pain.

2. Sometimes, I am in a bad mood, I don't want to talk to anyone, I just want to be in a daze. Sometimes, I want to hide my weakness and don't want others to see my wounds.

3. The memory still stops at the initial stage, but time has already separated us from each other.

4. How lonely, how not lonely, with loneliness, like loneliness, enjoy loneliness, we will eventually become the best of their own.

5. We are still a family when we can't work during the Spring Festival.

6. So, how can you brush away loneliness? There is only one way not to be lonely: to be a strong person with a strong heart and have your own spiritual world.

7. Most of the time, it's not that the other person doesn't care about you, but that the other person values you too much!

8. The most regrettable thing in life is that it is easy to insist on what should not be insisted on, stubborn, and give up what should not be given up.

9. It's better not to meet each other, so we can not fall in love.

10. Those who have not experienced it can never understand these truths, but it is also good to listen to them.

11. If you look at the current situation from the perspective of yourself ten years later, you will find that you may not care about these things ten years later.

12. She is your indispensable oxygen, and I am your indispensable carbon dioxide.

13. When it rains, I will hold an umbrella for you; If you don't like me, I will find a new lover for you; You should be happy first, and I'll talk about it later.

14. Disappointment is sometimes a kind of happiness, because there are expectations, so we will be disappointed. Because there is love, there will be expectations, so even if disappointed, it is also a kind of happiness, although this kind of happiness is a little painful.

15. Love a person should not be so humble, be loved by a person should not feel a kind of suffering.

16. Through the dim light waves, the radiance of my eyes has been dragged to the moon in the far sky. I love her quiet elegance and light. But I can't bear her light scattering on my lonely shadow.

17. I thought I didn't care. I thought I was invulnerable to all kinds of poisons. But why do you still cry alone in the lonely night.

18. The person I am waiting for is waiting for others. Do you understand this loneliness? I squatted on the ground staring at the basin of purple heather, a familiar voice sounded behind me.

19. Time is an empty ocean. We are like fish. Although we have the same direction, we cannot approach. Loneliness is the hidden blood in the heart. Whether it should be or not, it is there. You don't need to know where it comes from or where it goes.

20. The day he left, it was also raining heavily. Standing by the window, she saw his back with an umbrella gradually leaving her sight. She bit her lip and held back the tears in her eyes. She hated parting. After such a long and circuitous journey, she finally came to his side, but he had to go again.

21. Believe it or not, I can say more beautiful words than men.

22. The grievances that can be spoken out are not grievances, and those who can leave are not lovers.

23. If one day you walk into my heart, you will cry, because it is all you. If one day, I walk into your heart, I will cry, because there is no me.

24. I really don't know what to do except thinking about you and the past. I begged you hard, hoping you could come back to me, but you pushed me away again and again, resisting again and again.

25. Loneliness is a state of mind. Loneliness is gray and dark blue.

26. Be an invincible person, as strong as a cactus.

27. You can repeat your first love, but you can't repeat your passion. Can repeat regret, but can not repeat favorite.

28. Group Loneliness "said that the Internet makes people closer, but makes people more and more distant. So, don't expect to take your mobile phone and brush it every day to make yourself not lonely. The more you brush, the more lonely you will be. This era is very cute: more and more friends, no friends; More and more groups, fewer and fewer clusters; There are more likes and fewer messages.

29. Loneliness is very beautiful. Only those who know how to appreciate the beautiful scenery will invade.

30. People in the street are too busy, lights are too flashing, people are too crowded, love songs in headphones are too soulful, and the weather is too cold.

31. Either vulgar or lonely. (Schopenhauer)

32. From the moment I leave you, I make up my mind not to see you again, but I still can't do it in the end.

33. Only when reality slaps you can you know how hypocritical the society is; Only when you let your so-called friends hurt you with nothing, can you know that people are awesome.

34. If there is no you, let me tell someone about the beautiful scenery on such a beautiful day.

35. I have always been an orphan in the beautiful world, lonely, lonely and persistent. Once you meet with the warmth, you are doomed to be defeated.

36. There will always be all kinds of helplessness when you are born. How happy you are when you go home during the Spring Festival, and how heavy you are when you leave home after the Spring Festival. Leaving our young children behind and leaving our elderly parents for a living is a reality we are unwilling to face, but have to face.

37. The greatest shortcoming of a person is not selfishness, sentimentality, barbarism and capriciousness, but stubbornly loving a person who does not love himself.

38. It's a pity that I can't go home this Spring Festival.

39. In a hundred years of life, there is not much time to waste. They say that happiness is like drinking water, and they know everything about it. Some people are chasing happiness every day, but they never feel the existence of happiness; Some people, who know how to collect every bit of warmth and emotion, will go with happiness.

40. I miss those who used to be, because there are my most simple thoughts and the most complete heart.

41. Waiting for someone is to gamble with time, and then lose in a mess.

42. I'm tired of being alone. I really want someone to spend time with me!

43. Remember, it's better to miss each other than meet each other. If you can't go back, just stay out of town and take care of yourself!

44. No matter who is too enthusiastic, it increases the probability of not being treasured. If there is no excessive joy, there will be no extreme sadness. - Taizaji's Human Disqualification

45. We always fall in love with that person at the wrong time and place, and then we have to spend our whole life forgetting.

46. Don't dream about her one night. I hate her. I want her to die in my dream.

47. Last day, all children grew up, and their relatives and friends were half withered.

48. It has no flavor of spring festival, but it is still too poor.

49. I didn't find the way home today, but I was close to my grandpa. It would be nice if I was close, even a little. After all, I went back.

50. Loneliness is not born, but begins when you fall in love with someone.

51. Men after middle age often feel lonely because when they open their eyes, they are surrounded by people who need to rely on them, but there is no one they can rely on. - Zhang Ailing's Half Life

52. May you have strong wind and strong liquor, and also enjoy solitude and freedom.

53. Surrounded by loneliness, I have no strength to get out of this encirclement.

54. I always thought that people grow old slowly. Actually not, people grow old in a flash. - Haruki Murakami

55. That was her happiest time. She was not hurt, nor corroded by sadness, nor betrayed or displaced, nor suffered from the current of reality. She believed in the blooming of spring flowers, friendship and love, and that all people around her were good people.

56. The class of Xiaokui's mother is about to start. Most children have colds. They just pretend to have a meal.

57. There are many things that I don't know or care about, but I don't want to haggle over every detail or expose you.

58. Life is like a faraway traveler.

59. There is no turning back, that is, there are many ways to go in life, and there is a way to grow. Many things cannot be controlled by oneself. Even if you are lonely again, you still have to go on, and you can't stop or turn back. Spirited Away

60. Loneliness is a stubborn disease. No amount of walking can cure it.

61. Don't think that the fickle people are ruthless. They just take their feelings back quickly.

62. Sometimes you don't want to cry when you are wronged, but when someone asks you what's wrong, you can't help crying.

63. My enthusiasm was finally completely dissipated by your indifference.

64. We are all the same. We know we can't stand the truth, but we still have to dig into the bottom.

65. For many years, I have always felt very lonely, lonely like an alien who came to this planet accidentally and was damaged and could not return to the home star.

66. You said you were lonely, just like long ago, the stars shone on the thirteen capitals. - Haizi

67. The truth is that if you don't understand me, it will always be me who is wrong. Don't be surprised. Even the explanation is superfluous.

68. Many people will silently comfort you when you are wronged, but how many are willing to speak for you.

69. Remember, the expectations and exhortations of relatives are always at your side!

70. My heart is in a mess. Some people can't get out and some can't get in.

71. The stars that cannot be picked are always the brightest. The little fish that slips away is always the most beautiful. Missed movies are always the best to see. The lost lover always knows me best. I still don't understand what the truth is.

72. From now on, there will be only smiles and no heartache. I will try my best to make my life happy and let down all the people who hurt me.

73. Loneliness means that no one listens when you have something to say, but you have nothing to say when someone listens.

74. Tears of breaking songs, dreams of this life, wrong breakup, tears of love, a song of a phoenix seeking a wife, a mistake in life, a goodbye, and a fate of life.

75. I'm glad to grow up. I haven't been very happy for a long time.

76. Only immortals and beasts like loneliness. People want friends. (Liang Shiqiu)

77. It's good to listen to music, watch the rain and walk quietly alone.

78. If a person can't control his own emotions, even if he gives you the whole world, you will destroy everything sooner or later. If you can't become the master of mentality, you will inevitably become a slave of emotions. If you don't have the ability to clean up the mess, you can't indulge fickle emotions.

79. Sometimes, being single is because you can't let another person go, because you can't start over and love another person.

80. Go home for the Spring Festival and work for nothing for two months, although it is said that you have no money to go home for the Spring Festival! But it's just a talk. I don't have money to try.

81. I want more, I want to grasp more firmly, but when I hurt my palm, everything slipped away carelessly.

82. I finally got through that period. Everyone looks like you. I can think of you in everything I do. The songs I heard are all about your days. Fortunately, I can finally forget about my return date.

83. If one day we meet again on the road, and I tell you: "I'm happy now." I must be disguised. If I can only meet you again, instead of living together, how can I be happy? I tell you I'm happy, but I don't want you to know that I'm really sad.

84. I cannot express my sadness when I miss you.

85. The only way to heal the wounds of love is to love more and make the city more simple.

86. Yesterday's sun is always softer.

87. Once upon a time, when we looked at the bright stars overhead, the stars of that night still filled our hearts, but there were no tears of sadness for the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. Perhaps it is because of the growth of age, and no longer believe in fairy tales.

88. I was just lonely for too long and cold for too long. Suddenly, I was warm and at a loss. I just lived in the wall for too long and forgot about the life outside the wall. I just walked alone for too long, until I was used to being alone.

89. When we turn potential into action and move from possibility to reality, we are real and closer to perfection. In other words, it is an act for people to approach the divine nature to do their best to realize their own efforts.

90. The long leg is called Cross New Year, and the short leg is called Jumping New Year. Those with objects are called New Year's Eve, while those without objects are called staying up late. I stay up late skipping.

91. For life, acceptance is the best gentleness, whether it is to accept a person's appearance or to accept a person's disappearance.

92. When the unprovoked loneliness is lifted again, the loneliness that enters by taking advantage of the emptiness can not help but spread from inside to outside, until the darkness of the night engulfs the whole soul.

93. You may have gone out of my sight, but you have never gone out of my missing.

94. Who has never been lonely, who has never been lost, who has never been lost, who has never been lonely, who does not know the importance of friends, who does not know that friendship is reliable, the road of life is too long, friendship is hope, the goal is too far away, friends are power, cherish each other, and carry the wind and rain together in life.

95. Loneliness is just a magnificent bravado.

96. You won't be afraid of anything you are used to, such as loneliness.

97. After a long night alone, I unconsciously thought about the past. I spent half my life waiting for it in exchange for a piece of sadness. The profound sadness pervades the other side of the river. Ink stains the world of mortals. Where is love.

98. The night is as cold as water, and the heart is as cold as ice. The unreachable wish is just like the dim stars in the night sky. It is full of sadness, and there is no way to ease it.

99. There is no effective way in the world to make people not lonely.

100. When I walk on the street in the morning, when the sun shines on my face, it seems that everything will be fine.