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My future depends on me
2023-05-04 15:02:33
Complete sentences

1. Old times, like yellowing photos, are treasured on the title page of memory.

2. Two people will never walk lonely, lonely time and you.

3. Heartbreak left, turned back to the original desolate waiting.

4. Why should the wedding ring be worn on the ring finger? Because the ring finger has a blood vessel connected to the heart

5. It turns out that there is such a kind of love in this world that it cannot cry without opening its mouth.

6. In the next life, I want to make onions. Whoever dares to bully me will cry.

7. Maybe you are just an episode, but I treat you as the only one.

8. Those who have not given up will not be able to do so after all.

9. I can draw a circle. I can shut myself in and block the memory outside.

10. No matter how strong a person is, there is always a soft place in his heart that cannot be touched.

11. I would like to use the whole life, in exchange for your smile.

12. The feelings that cannot be released and the sufferings that can be suffered by oneself.

13. No matter how solemn the agreement, it would be better to have those crazy friends.

14. He said that we would be strangers. I answered that we had never known each other.

15. We will never replace each other as before.

16. Don't want to be a moment of brilliant fireworks, just want to be your ordinary forever.

17. Photos come and go to deceive themselves. People who know you still don't know what you look like?

18. The so-called oath is a promise if it is realized, and a lie if it cannot be realized.

19. Love cannot be eaten as food, because without it, I can still live well and eat well. But there is no previous happiness.

20. I am a two-sided person, sometimes sunny, sometimes silent.

21. Every reserved and calm present has a very silly and naive past.

22. Happiness does not have to be owned. Waiting is also a kind of happiness.

23. Am I bloody? Am I dark? Am I vicious? Have I tried my best to kill you with my life

24. Think foolishly, laugh foolishly, and so on. There is always someone who makes you lose your mind.