Jiao Yulu's impressions
Sea Blue Without Soul
2023-10-09 23:42:51
impressions of after reading

Watch the film Jiao Yulu at the county conference center. Through watching, the tall image of Jiao Shuji still haunts my mind. Jiao Yulu is a model of hard work and plain living. He wears patched clothes all the year round, and an old coat has become his only thing to keep out the cold. He is strict with himself and dedicated to his duties. What he eats is Wowotou and pickles. In the months of hard travel to the countryside for disaster relief and waterlogging control, he always brought his own dry food, held an umbrella, fought with the masses against the flood, explored the quicksand, and checked the wind outlet. He insisted on living among the masses, sharing weal and woe with the masses, and where the most difficult, there will be his shadow. He is dedicated to the public and the people, but he has no self.
1、 Learn Jiao Yulu's spirit, improve party spirit and moral cultivation
Comrade Jiao Yulu is a good son of the people and an excellent cadre trained by the Party. As a parent officer, he is not high above others and gives orders. He has a kind feeling of loving the people. He goes deep into the people, observes the people's feelings, and visits the cold and warm. He went to the Lankao County Party Committee to report for duty. He dressed simply, rode lightly, and walked all the way. When he saw a group of hungry children, he took out all the dry food he had brought; When he attended the county party committee meeting for the first time, he proposed that the comrades present should go to Lankao Railway Station to have a look. When they saw the helpless eyes of the hungry people waiting quietly in the heavy snow, and when they saw the arrival of the train, the hungry people rushed to flee their homes, they were deeply shocked; When he heard that the government's relief food was not distributed in time, he was angry; When he learned that the old cattle raiser was injured by the horn and his life was in danger, he went to visit him in the rain late at night regardless of his already weak body; In the case that his family has not yet had enough food and clothing, he also used his own income to support the poor people who need help more. Facing the blind old man, Comrade Jiao Yulu affectionately said "I am your son", which is what kind of people's feelings! What a noble force of personality!
2、 Learn the spirit of Jiao Yulu, base on their own duties, and make contributions
Comrade Jiao Yulu, seeking truth from facts and taking the lead in his work, braved the wind and rain, investigated openly and secretly, ignored the pain, and described a new chapter of the Lankao with the Scientific Outlook on Development. In order to lock up the sandstorm raging in Lankao, he led his correspondent, pushing his bicycle, to investigate the cause of the sandstorm in person. On the dunes of the old Yellow River, he slipped down the dunes due to severe pain, but he did not shrink back and persevered in his work; When he learned that paulownia trees can grow in the harsh local environment, which has a great effect on improving the climate and environment, he went to the nursery personally to learn about the situation, deployed a tree planting and sand prevention project, and planted a paulownia tree on the sand dune; When he learned that the only college student working in the nursery was going to leave the Lankao and return to the city, he grabbed a handful of soil from the Lankao, endured the torture of liver cancer, stumbled to the railway station to see him off, without blame or criticism, but told the college students not to forget the land they once lived in when they returned to the city, and did some laboratory analysis of the soil from the Lankao, To provide scientific basis for changing the natural environment of Lankao; In order to solve the summer flood, he led the cadres and the masses to check the water situation against the wind and rain in the flood season. When he saw that the village cadres were helpless and dejected in the face of the disaster, his simple thought of "eating the steamed buns that others have chewed is not fragrant" was also shocking and aroused everyone's enthusiasm for war.
3、 Learn the spirit of Jiao Yulu and cultivate a work style of integrity, honesty and responsibility
The spirit of Comrade Jiao Yulu is the embodiment of the advanced nature of the Communist Party. I have been deeply educated and inspired by the spirit of Comrade Jiao Yulu, to learn from him to stand up and take responsibility, to learn from his selfless and single-minded spirit, to win the support and support of the Party and the masses, to learn from him to do everything for the people, and to strengthen his ideals and beliefs, In my future work, I will always adhere to the spirit of seeking truth and pragmatism, further strengthen work measures in accordance with the specific requirements of the "Four Undertakings and Two Efforts", take the third big visit as an opportunity, go deep into the people's homes, work hard with greater determination and enthusiasm, raise awareness, and unify ideas to do a good job in the big visit, The grand visit activity has really gone, gone well and approached, further increased the ability to govern, sublimated the mind, obtained inexhaustible source of strength from the masses, persisted in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping pace with the times, unswervingly contributed to the socio-economic development and political stability of the autonomous county, and delivered a satisfactory answer to the party and the people.