2023 Classic Funny Signature
A solo
2023-06-03 08:03:04
Complete set of signatures

1. Being talented is like being pregnant, which can only be seen after a long time.

2. It's half past one! I still can't sleep! No man's night! Really lonely

3. Tomorrow is tomorrow, how many tomorrow! Since there are so many, we might as well delay.

4. Youth is running crazily, then falling magnificently!

5. Fortunately, I met you. Unfortunately, I missed you.

6. The roses are blooming in September. I only have you in my heart. I really want to be with you. I have nothing to give you, but I love you!

7. I didn't know that dinosaurs could actually reappear until I met you.

8. Even Oreo's sandwich, there are times when he is lonely.

9. The so-called sleeping goods can be summarized in several words: spring sleepiness, summer fatigue, autumn nap, hibernation.

10. Nowadays, hospitals always pay close attention to patients' pockets. Any doctor's parents' heart is bullshit.

11. In fact, the flip phone has one of the biggest advantages -- two straight boards on the ground.

12. Now the students are so rude that they don't talk to me in class.

13. There are two factors that prevent me from achieving success: first, I am sleepy when I am full, and second, I am hungry when I wake up.

14. Adolescence is not over yet. How can we go back to youth? Let's go back to childhood.

15. In fact, men say they like you, just like the body

16. The real society has ruined my chance to be a good person

17. Happy day: go to bed when you are full.

18. In fact, I have always been very popular. When I was young, I was loved by everyone. Now, I am loved by everyone

19. Social transportation is the only way to go, and men's life depends on their hands being cunt, not licking

20. Now, I don't believe punctuation marks.

21. Have fun Kill a pair is a pair

22. Career is national, honor is unit, achievement is leadership, salary is wife's, property is children's, mistake is own.

23. It's no use saying anything now. Development is the absolute principle ∨