Selected quotations of Deng Ziqi in 2022 (87 selected sentences)
Hiding the Water and Stealing the Dragon
2023-05-03 14:03:43

1. Don't wait, there is no present, what future can you wait for-- Deng Ziqi

2. Although the beautiful bubble burst into flames in a flash, all your promises are too fragile. Love is a bubble. If you can see through it, what's so sad!

3. There is nothing wrong with this world, as long as you make up your mind--

4. Sometimes when you stick to something, you may appear very strong. But if we don't cross the bottom line, many things can work together harmoniously.

5. The way to get rid of bad habits is to take the bad ones away first, and then put the good ones in. The second half is very important, because if only the bad ones are taken out, the empty part is actually dangerous.

6. The greatest courage a person can show is honesty. As long as you are frank and honest, you will no longer be afraid of the challenges ahead and the surrounding environment.

7. The most wonderful thing in life is that no matter how you plan, something unexpected will happen-- Deng Ziqi

8. Behind the dark clouds, it is always sunny! Although you are in a storm at this moment, remember that the sun is always shining on the other side of the cloud! Never lose hope!

9. Music is really wonderful. It has narrowed the distance between people, broken the barriers between different languages, and brought much peace and happiness to the absurd world! In front of the music, it seems that all troubles become nihility!

10. My bottom line is honesty. I can't cheat people. If you cross my bottom line, I can't agree with you. This is my principle.

11. At this moment, you may think that it is a scar in your life, but one day you will find that everything is beautiful sculpture, carved on the top crystal! Quickly open your eyes and find your dignity!

12. People's charm is shown in seriousness. Focus and hard work is the coolest way to be handsome.

13. The theory of fighting poison with poison is to treat wounds with the things that hurt you. Pain is pain, not death.

14. Happiness is not to meet a wayward person who can tolerate you, but to meet a person who makes you stop being wayward; Happiness is not having what you cherish, but having what you cherish; Happiness is not that the other party can give completely, but that you are willing to give completely to the other party.

15. The face that should be lost has been lost, and people are embarrassed not to grow up-- Deng Ziqi

16. Who can resist the sun? No matter how dark the night is, it cannot be stopped; The ice can't stand it any colder. I like sunshine.

17. Writing and singing is a way for me to express my feelings. Dancing is an external element added to it, which can enrich the performance! Dancing is not necessary for me, but writing and singing are necessary-- Deng Ziqi

18. Forgive the past failures and humiliations, and do not be intoxicated with the past successes and glories. Forget behind, try hard in front, and run straight towards the benchmark.

19. Don't wait. What future can we wait for without the present?

20. Without you, I would rather be destroyed! My heart is hurting, but I have no consciousness anymore. I will keep my body in the dark for a long time-- Deng Ziqi

21. If my own experience is different, what kind of songs do I write?

22. There are many absurd things in the world. You don't need to ask why you don't have an answer when you ask why. Rather than stop at that point and keep asking why, you should ask how to actively follow your own path in this environment!

23. There is no "no" in this world as long as you make up your mind.

24. The foam under the sun is colorful, just like the deceived me, it is happy!

25. Although the beautiful bubble burst into flames, all your promises are too fragile. Love is a bubble. If you can see through it, why would you feel sad.

26. The beauty of the world lies in people's mentality. All kinds of trivialities in life may have occupied our hearts for a long time, but occasionally look up! How dare people want to move forward when the sky is clear and cloudless!

27. No matter how beautiful the flowers are, they will not wither when they are in full bloom. No matter how attractive the stars are, they will fall when they flash-- Deng Ziqi

28. Happiness is not to meet a wayward person who can tolerate you, but to meet a person who makes you stop being wayward; Happiness is not having what you cherish, but having what you cherish; Happiness is not that the other party can give completely, but that you are willing to give completely to the other party!

29. If my own experience is different, the type of songs I write will be different, so it depends on what I experience.