I wish my mother a happy life day
Floating in time
2023-03-13 17:07:45
to greet

1. Some people say that there is no eternal love in the world. I am wrong! The mother is eternal, she is an eternal star

2. Birthday candles flicker with flowers for a season. Each one is my wish: Happy birthday, Mom!

3. Love you, thank you, but also voice constantly bless you, my dear mother, I wish you a happy birthday!

4. Present your sincerity and love that belong to you every day, and send voice to bless your family, dear mother, I wish you a happy birthday, always happy!

5. You have nurtured my soul and body with maternal love. Your milk is the source of my thinking, and your eyes are tied to my hope for life. My mother, I don't know how to repay you. Happy birthday to you!

6. As a child, I was ignorant. Young me, arrogant and rebellious. Now I have a family and work. Already know: the true meaning of hardships, the hardships of being a parent. Today is your birthday, mother. I wish you health and beauty!

7. Mom, on your birthday, I sincerely wish you three best wishes: I wish you good health; Second, I wish you happiness; Third, I wish you all the best!

8. My dear mother cares for me, my kind mother cares about me, my gentle mother cares about me, and my selfless mother loves me most. It's good to have a mother! I wish my mother a happy birthday!

9. Some people say that there are no eternal feelings in the world. I said no! Mother is eternal, she is a star that never falls, so I wish my mother a happy birthday.

10. Mother haunted in my dream, you are my supreme sunshine, and I will always remember your nurturing kindness. On this mother's birthday, I wish you good health and happiness!

11. Happy birthday, dear mother, I hope you can understand the love in our hearts.

12. Before I knew it, I was already x, and I had no ability to repay my mother's care, care and love for me over the past x years, so I felt deeply guilty in my heart. Looking at my mother's aging body and her heart still working hard for her family, I am very distressed. What can I do except help my mother do more housework and make my mother sad less?

13. Whether grass or treasure, you treat children very well. Hard work, dreaming, worried about the cold, hungry, warm and full children; He is meticulous and does not ask for return, but only hopes that the child will grow old safely. I love you forever, mom. Happy birthday to you.

14. As a child, I was ignorant. Young me, arrogant and rebellious. Now I have a family and work. Already know: the true meaning of hardships, the hardships of being a parent. Today is your birthday, mother. I wish you health and beauty!

15. Glancing at her mother's white hair, she looked at her mother's white hair; Careful caress, only to know that mother has worked too much energy exhausted. Today, I send my best wishes to my mother; I wish you a happy birthday, a gift of health and peace!

16. May my dear mother be very happy on this special day!

17. Dear mother, the hardships of time make your youth grow old, and the washing of wind and rain makes your beauty fade. But in the hearts of children, you are the most beautiful peony -- rich and auspicious; Happy birthday to mom!

18. Blessing mother: life is rich and happy, life is sweet, happy and happy, happy and happy!

19. Your nagging is the coordinate of my action, but I just learned that your care is the warm sunshine that shines tirelessly in my life. Mom, today is your birthday, and I wish you a happy birthday!

20. The most beautiful voice in the world is the call of mother's voice; The warmest smile in the world is my mother's smiling face. Mom, forgive me for not being with you on your birthday. I wish you a happy birthday and always smile!

21. Mom, on your birthday, the only son who is far away from home gives three wishes: I wish you peace and health; Second, I wish you happiness; Third, I wish you happiness and longevity!

22. Mom, on this special day, all the blessings are packed in your cup with our love, red and deep, to the bottom of your heart.

23. For us, the greatest happiness is having parents who understand us. I got this happiness and never lost it. So on your birthday, I will say: Thank you!

24. May my blessing, like a wisp of bright sunshine, flow in your eyes and have a happy birthday!

25. The fire will always go out, and people will always be in their twilight years. Blossom hair is the witness of mother's hard work, and the slightly curved back is the figure of mother's hard work... Blessings come and go every year, and blessings go deep every year!

26. The longer the tree of youth grows, the more beautiful the flower of life grows. Please accept my deep blessing on your birthday.

27. Mom, on this special day, may all the joy and joy flow to your window.