Random talk on class teacher's work
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2023-10-25 07:47:21
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Reading a good book is like finding a clear spring when you are thirsty, seeing a light in the dark, meeting an old friend when you are lonely, and suddenly seeing the road turning back in the confused place. This is my deepest feeling after reading Mr. Wei Shusheng's book "Class Teacher Work Talk".
As a young head teacher, I often encounter many problems in the daily class management work, and also feel confused and confused. While constantly trying to find a way of working that is suitable for me and the class, and constantly accumulating experience in class leadership, I am eager to learn advanced and effective education methods from others' successful cases.
"Wei Shusheng" is a famous person in the education field, but before that, I never seriously read his masterpiece. Occasionally, I learned some of his successful education and teaching experience through newspapers and television, and the data is also very limited. I know even less about his specific operation methods in education and teaching. During the year when I served as the head teacher, I took the time to calm down and read the book "Class Teacher's Work Talk". I thought that this kind of book was just "theory+preaching", and then supplemented with a few examples. I didn't expect that this book was the opposite. The materials in the book are "popular, vivid and attractive", which can "make people admire and talk about with relish". Many practices are highly operational and have very important reference benefits. After reading this book, I have a new understanding and understanding of Wei Shusheng's work as a class teacher. I feel that there are three points.
1、 It is a prerequisite to be a good class teacher to be "reasonable and emotional".
Wei Shusheng said in his book: "It is not comprehensive to emphasize that teachers should love students. We should also study how to love. If we want to love, we should also love. If we can't love, we want to love at first, and then we will not love again." Yes! Many head teachers also have love for students, but they never thought about how to love them. When students make mistakes, they scold and criticize them loudly, without calmly persuading them with reason. The same is true of myself. As long as the students who do not perform well at ordinary times, as long as they break the discipline, they will get excited. They can't calm down and think about how to do ideological work. In fact, they don't know how to love is the right way to let students understand the truth. Through this reading activity, I understand that we should start from love and start from understanding students' feelings. If a student is speaking in class, instead of simply punishing, criticizing, or satirizing things, he should first make a sign with his eyes, and then talk to him after class. First, he should understand the situation of his lecture with the speaker, what he didn't understand, and listen to their recommendations with an open mind. Then he should analyze his words and deeds to make him understand that this practice is not good for him first, Then there is the lack of respect for others, which shows that when a person is in an environment, he must first learn to respect others. In the future, I should care about them from the perspective of students. At the moment, many students' parents are working outside and lack of parental love. We should start from caring about their lives, talk to them more, understand their needs, grasp their puzzles, and solve problems with them.
"Go into the students' mind world, you will find that it is a vast and fascinating new world, where many puzzling educational problems will find answers. Careful understanding of students will make teachers' work as if they have a source of fresh water, and always do new." Only do it according to Wei Shusheng's idea of going into students' minds, Only in this way can students be moved by our emotions, understand the truth we have instilled in them, and finally change their thoughts, so that they can truly become good students who are polite and disciplined. To understand the minds of students, to convince them and understand you, we must first dredge their minds, so that they can understand education wholeheartedly. In this way, we can enter their minds, explore their needs, and achieve the real purpose of education.
2、 "People oriented, rule class, democratic self-management" is the key to managing class well.
As for management, Wei Shusheng said that he relied on democracy and science. Therefore, in the class management, the head teacher should not overstep the task and speak out. He should trust his students, let them do what they can, and let them master knowledge and improve their potential in full practice. The formation of the class committee and the Youth League branch cannot be decided by the head teacher. The whole class can find their own spokesmen. They can be elected through public speeches and democratic elections by means of student recommendation and self recommendation. The assessment of class cadres shall be evaluated and scored by all students. If more than one-third of the students are dissatisfied, they can be dismissed. The class teacher no longer has the final say in the formulation of the class system, but let the students themselves agree on the regulations, establish a "Legislative Council", first form a draft, and then the whole class deliberates, modifies and votes. As for the implementation of the system, students should be free to supervise the implementation. The composition of the democratic atmosphere has greatly improved the students' willingness to participate in mass affairs, and the sense of self-discipline has also been significantly improved.
3、 Paying Attention to Psychological Counseling for Students is an Important Factor to Be a Good Head Teacher
In education and teaching, Mr. Wei Shusheng strengthened psychological guidance and learning method guidance for students, and stressed that teaching books must educate people. By taking turns to teach singing, he formed a mutual aid group with backward students, guided students' self-education, cultivated students' self-learning potential and other effective ways and methods, and improved students' self-learning potential and anti frustration potential. The work of the head teacher is not only concerned with the learning situation of the class, but also should become a careful observer of the growth process, pointing out the direction to students when they are confused and confused; When students are in low mood, cheer them up. Therefore, the head teacher should pay more attention to students' emotional changes, observe their speech and behavior, give warning before problems occur, and help when problems occur.
If a drop of water is an ocean, then a student is a world. In this world, there are rich connotations... As a class teacher, we should build a platform for students to show themselves, so that every student can develop in the class and form their own characteristics. Students should not be restricted from participating in activities because they are afraid of problems. Education is a labor that can give people double spiritual happiness. Let teachers enjoy the happiness of educating students, and make students happy and healthy growth is the primary task of our head teacher.
Wei Shusheng's Random Talk on the Work of a Head Teacher made me deeply realize that to be a good head teacher, we must love students and walk into their hearts; To achieve this, we should have the ability to love students and enter their spiritual world. We should cultivate, sow, and irrigate students' spiritual world, so that their hearts can blossom into sincere, kind, perfect, bright, and motivated flowers. Under the influence of this huge spiritual force, even if there are many students with bad habits and dark psychology, they will be infected involuntarily, thus sprouting a strong desire to deny their mistakes and abandon their bad behaviors, and finally being introduced into a new sunshine zone.
Through this book, I feel I have benefited a lot. After work, I will make full use of my spare time, read more books, read good books, and form a good habit of reading.