Reflections on Five Thousand Years of China
Bright Sword
2023-10-28 04:44:24
Grade 6
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Reflections on Five Thousand Years of China
China is an ancient civilization country with a long history of 5000 years. This book records the history of Pangu from the beginning of heaven and earth to the founding of the People's Republic of China. Whether it's a thick and clumsy bronze tripod or a beautiful jade wall; Whether it is extensive and profound moral articles, or brilliant and arrogant scientific and technological achievements... all reflect the great wisdom and creativity of the Chinese nation. In the book, the story of "King Gou Jian Lies on the brushwood and Tastes the gall" is the most unforgettable for me: in the Spring and Autumn Period, when the State of Yue was defeated by the State of Wu, Gou Jian was captured and served as a slave to the King of Wu for three years, suffering from humiliation. Under extremely difficult circumstances, he never gave up his belief - to revitalize the State of Yue and regain lost dignity. After being released by the King of Wu to the State of Yue, he comforted the people, trained the army, tasted gall before eating, and slept on firewood at night. At home, we should recuperate, enrich the country and strengthen the army, encourage the increase of the population to strengthen the national strength, and plan with the officials to attack Wu. Always remind yourself not to forget the humiliation and ambition of rejuvenating Yue. As a king above all others, it is really commendable that he can do so. After his perseverance, Gou Jian finally defeated the State of Wu. Gou Jian's strong will and spirit of perseverance and hard work are worth studying this book to let us understand history, feel history, and think about history with heart and understand history. Long years, in the five thousand years of vicissitudes, the Chinese nation has experienced many hardships, but has been thriving for thousands of years. However, all these have become history. Now China is rising to the world. As Chinese, we can better grasp today and create tomorrow only if we have a comprehensive understanding of the history of the nation.