Poems about love (26 selected sentences)
Swallow vicissitudes
2023-06-09 22:36:04
Complete Poems

1. It's hard to part from seeing you off. When will a little love be over—— Guan Hanqing's Four Jade Farewell

2. After all the flowers become honey, we will work hard for whom we are sweet.

3. The small building is empty with blue clouds and red rain, and the spring light has come to the place where the soul disappears.

4. The new cry marks the old ones, and the heartbroken remember the heartbroken—— Wang Shifu's Folk Song of Passing Yao in December - Farewell

5. The blue clouds do not cross the blue sky. It is the heart of the lake and the heart of the farmers—— Zhang Huiyan, Jiangchengzi, Filling in Zhang Chunxi's Bamboo Words on the West Lake

6. I urge you to come to the drunken country frequently. This is a place without worries and hatred.

7. Embroidering clothes and holding the zither, I went to the Scholar's Academy.

8. It is better to die with ten thousand people and break the wings than to split the clouds—— Li Bai's Baitou Yin

9. At dawn, the clouds and temples are sad, and when you sing at night, you should feel the cold moonlight.

10. Jingzhou wheat becomes a moth when it is ripe, and there are many clues to remember you.

11. Monroe is right to me, and Fang Sijun wins—— Fan Yun's Farewell to Shen Ji Room

12. Fear of breaking red and missing words, why.

13. I don't want to reward a black magpie, but I beg for silk from a spider.

14. Since you came out, there is no essence in the dark. I miss you like the sun and the moon, and return to life day and night—— Liu Yu's Self Emergence

15. How can you love a poem or a famous quote!

16. Ask Acacia, look in the mirror someday, and my hair will be rustling.

17. My concubine looks like Xu Shan growing in the eyes, and Lang is like a stone Buddha.

18. I once said goodbye to the beauty bridge. I wish I had no news till now.

19. When entering the red wall and locked in the deep courtyard, Xiafei does not recall the old makeup.

20. People like jade, willows like eyebrows, are in love—— Wen Tingyun's "Dingxifan · Drizzle Xiaoying Spring Festival Gala"

21. In the past, I was gone, and willows were leaning on me. Today I come to think of rain and snow.

22. I once said goodbye to the Beauty Bridge, and I wish I had no news till now—— Liu Yuxi's "Yang Liu Zhi"

23. Without knowing that the soul is broken, there is a dream in the sky—— Wei Zhuang's "Female Crown, April 17"

24. In the sky, it was originally a bird with two wings, and on the ground, it would like to connect branches.

25. You can still feel and stay in love, and the broadband is due to spring.

26. But the teaching heart is as hard as gold and tin, and the heaven and earth will meet—— Bai Juyi's Song of Everlasting Regret