To teachers
Silent Bear
2023-09-29 14:01:43

The book "To the Teacher" introduced an experiment conducted by an American psychologist: he divided students into three groups. He often expressed appreciation and encouragement to the first group of students, took an indifferent and laissez faire attitude to the second group, and constantly criticized the third group. The results showed that the first group of students who were often praised and encouraged made the fastest progress. It can be seen that the desire to be appreciated is a basic spiritual need of people. In social life, everyone is eager to be appreciated by others. Similarly, everyone should learn to appreciate others. Appreciation and being appreciated is a source of power for interaction. Appreciators must be happy, benevolent and beautiful; Those who are appreciated will have a heart of self-respect, forge ahead and aspire to progress.

I once taught such a student. He was lazy and hated doing homework. Procrastination, scribbling, "short weight" and mistakes are common. What's worse, he is easy to manage. He always likes to tell others what to do with his own liberalism and Marxism Leninism. He often accuses his classmates of not doing their homework carefully, which is to laugh at their mistakes. However, he always wins when he answers questions or exams in class. Typical learning attitude is poor, and refuses to change after repeated teaching! how? I try to look at him, guide him and educate him with appreciation. First of all, he is allowed to do his homework voluntarily, either completely or selectively, or not. Then he is given the right to discipline, let him correct and guide students' homework. Finally, I check his correction of homework and guidance of students, so as to replace his homework performance and assess his academic performance. With my appreciation, his shortcomings have become his strengths, exposing others has become urging others, laughing at others has become helping others, and he also realized the necessity and importance of setting an example, and began to work actively and seriously. Later, he was no longer the same. This event made me deeply realize that appreciation can turn students' shortcomings into advantages.

Once again, I assigned students such an assignment: "Everyone writes down the advantages of ten students you are familiar with in this class, and the advantages of each student are not less than 50 words." Then, I read aloud the "homework" of these students in the class. It can be seen that all the students who have been read keep their heads down and their hearts are happy. The classroom is very quiet. After a period of time, the students in the class have changed quietly. The relationship between the students has become more harmonious, they are more polite to each other, they are more proactive on duty hygiene, and the classroom layout is cleaner... Later, I asked the students to write at least one advantage for each student, and then publish it to the public; Then, at the end of each month, I ask students to discover new strengths of their classmates on the basis of the strengths they wrote before, and also publish them to the public; Finally, carry out the activities of "see who has the most advantages" and "see who has made the most progress". As a result, the group is active and everyone is striving and making progress to be appreciated. Through this event, I can't help feeling that appreciation of the advantages of students will make students better.

Another time, I was inspired by an article, so I took a piece of white paper into the classroom. In the center of this white paper, I deliberately painted a black dot the size of a green bean, which is very eye-catching. I held up the white paper and asked the students: "Look, what's in my hand?" "It's obvious, isn't it?" The students whispered, wondering what medicine I was selling in my gourd. I raised my voice and asked again. A student replied, "I see a black dot on the white paper." It is estimated that this answer represents the opinion of most students, and the classroom suddenly became quiet. "Do you have any different opinions?" A student in the back row said later: "Teacher, I saw a piece of white paper." I looked at the white paper and continued to ask: "Why are you different from what others see?" "I'm far away and can't see clearly." He said truthfully. The classroom burst into laughter. I then said, "Please raise your hand if you see the black spot." Most of the students raised their hands high, as if waiting for my praise. I looked around and said, "It's a pity. You didn't see such a large piece of white paper, but you noticed an inconspicuous black spot. It's not that your eyes have deceived you, but that your mind has lost its direction." After a pause, I said again, "How much this has taught us all the advantages and disadvantages! The advantages are as big as the white paper, but your disadvantages are as small as the black spots. However, when we interact with others, we often only care about the small black spot of others, sometimes we can't see the big white paper on our own, and we lack confidence. What a sad thing! " The students were all silent and thoughtful. Therefore, I think that for our teachers, many times it is the same? When we face students, we often only pay attention to their "black spots": mischievous, undisciplined, etc., which often lead us to loudly reprimand them. But we didn't find that their mischief was full of innocence, liveliness and loveliness

In To the Teacher, Bacon is quoted as saying: "In the hearts of the audience, there are rosy clouds, dewdrops and blooming flowers all the year round. Those who ignore them will freeze the heart of the city. The seas will dry up and the mountains will become barren." Let's enjoy more in education! As a teacher, you can use the following methods to appreciate students, or let students appreciate each other, or let students appreciate themselves.