Countdown to 2023 College Entrance Examination 1 Astronomical Case
Let go
2023-07-01 02:22:56
Complete sentences

1. No matter how deep the despair is, it is a process. There is always an end. Avoidance is always not the way. Gather up the courage to move forward, maybe the opportunity is in the next second.

2. Quiet is your mood, urgent is your writing style, full of your confidence, bright is your score, silent is my blessing, another year of college entrance examination, I wish you success!

3. Destiny is like one's own fingerprint, which is always in one's own hands despite twists and turns.

4. Don't panic in case of death, but be more careful in case of change.

5. What a wonderful college life. After ten years of hard study, I only hope to take the college entrance exam today. With confidence, read carefully and answer carefully. Real skill shows talent, and the whole family laughs when winning the nomination.

6. Compared with self-discipline, getting up earlier, speed, devotion, status, voice, diligence, efficiency, morale and dedication.

7. People only admire the flower of success for its present brilliance, but its original bud is saturated with tears of struggle and blood of sacrifice.

8. The magpie branches are chirping, and the college entrance exam will be reported to you. Happy without saying, the other side of the dream will arrive. Considering the importance of voluntary newspapers, professional schools have great ambitions. I only wish that everything will go smoothly, and my parents and relatives will smile!

9. I deeply understand how much time has been spent and how many difficulties have been overcome before you can achieve immediate results. Please believe that in your pursuit of hard work and hard work, I will always stand beside you with a smile.

10. Frustration should be like a big tree, which can grow again after being cut down; It should be like a weed. It can be brave even when people trample on it.

11. I hate you most because you are the "enemy" of my study competition; I love you most, because you are my friend in my growth.

12. The foundation of this is to believe in yourself, not only in your existing strength, but also in the progress you can make through your efforts.

13. Be ambitious and down-to-earth; Study hard and think hard; Stable attitude, never give up; Go all out to win. I wish you success in the college entrance examination!

14. Hurry up, you are the first, heroes have been young since ancient times.

15. Turn sweat into pearls and dreams into reality.

16. There is no shortcut to the college entrance examination, so I wish you to advance step by step.

17. Wave your hand and let you go first. I hope you will always remember my natural smile. The college entrance examination is coming as scheduled. I hope you and I will meet in high school and meet again in the ideal school!

18. In the days of blessing gathering, send me the most sincere hope, just as you moved me at the beginning. Come on, kid! Look forward to your June flowers.

19. I wish you success. The road to success begins at your feet.

20. The preparation is in place, the lecture is in place, the answer is in place, and the record is in place.

21. It's really sad to say goodbye when parting opens the curtains and memories sleep on my chest. Only love is still bright! Auld Lang Syne! The exam went well, and we made a breakthrough in life!

22. Years of hardship, June decides the future, and wins a bright future

23. The Way of Heaven Rewards Diligence to Reproduce Brilliance Wang Zefeng

24. Destiny is like the palm print in your hand. No matter how tortuous it is, it is in your own hands.

25. We used to be two young trees fighting side by side. We used to be two voices in a duet. We used to be schoolmates on a desk. Today, when we wave goodbye, please accept my affectionate blessing.

26. Be confident and calm, brave and fearless, show your sword in the college entrance examination, and create miracles.

27. A little patience and expectation may lead to a great harvest.

28. Desire to enhance enthusiasm and perseverance to smooth mountains.

29. You are about to take the college entrance examination. I found hundreds of blessings on Baidu and countless auspicious words on Sogou, but I think they are too vulgar. I just want to sincerely say to you: the college entrance examination is smooth, ten years of hard work today!

30. Don't look at life and ideals as round as the moon in October 56. It is composed of ups and downs. Be practical and hope that everyone will have more "sunny" days.

31. Enter the examination room with lofty aspirations, the eagles are flying, and the horses are brave. After ten years of hard work in the cold window, I succeeded in the gold list at one fell swoop. I wish you the first prize in the college entrance examination and a bright future!

32. Wenji Dances to Achieve a Strong Struggle

33. The great cause of life is not to know, but to act.

34. Fill the regretless Gaosanlu with the sweat of hard work. Not afraid before the exam, not regretful after the exam.

35. The competition in the college entrance examination is not only pressure and challenge, but also opportunity and hope. Success belongs to those who defeat themselves.

36. When a door closes to you, another door must open to you. There are many paths to success. College is not the only one. You can choose a path suitable for yourself according to your own and family's actual situation to continue your further education. You can put aside unnecessary self blame and degradation. As long as you work hard and study hard, you will certainly become a strong person in life.

37. Principles of college entrance examination: decompress in the heart and take more rest; No worries in the brain, more happiness; Do the questions carefully and learn to be free and easy; Less mistakes, more checks; Work harder and get a good score. I wish you all the best in your college entrance examination and good luck soon!

38. Paying will pay off. Confidence is absolutely important. Don't forget to smile after the college entrance examination. Have a good sleep when you have time. Don't be nervous. Open the embrace of Kunpeng and go straight up into the sky. I wish you success in the college entrance examination!

39. Delivering the Newspaper: Xiaojinji Watching the Fruits of this Year

40. I hope you can create extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions until you realize your lofty ideals.

41. Win in the college entrance examination. Charm comes from action, and achievement is the absolute principle.

42. Everyone can give himself happiness, even if he is a beggar; Everyone can make himself miserable, even if he is a king.

43. After studying hard for a decisive victory in the year, you will smile

44. Those who aim high get nothing, and those who work hard get knowledge.

45. Action is the ladder of success. The more actions you take, the higher you climb.

46. Life is a miracle. Never give up hope. Even if hope is as small as a bean, we must hold it. Even if the candle burns the skin, we cannot give up, otherwise we will always be in the dark. The real winners of the college entrance examination are not the top scorers, but the optimistic, confident and persevering you who grew up in the year of senior three.

47. Do you realize that you are a complete person, a useful person, and all your efforts now are to prepare for the future?