A good talk can make people crazy (20 selected sentences)
Mature physical and mental exhaustion
2023-06-24 07:36:57
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Take out your temper, it is instinct; It is a skill to pressurize the spleen.

2. Some words, suitable for rotten in the heart, some pain, suitable for silent forget. When you have experienced it, you will grow up and know it.

3. Don't trust people just because they say what you want to hear.

4. Mature people don't ask about the past, smart people don't ask about the present, open-minded people don't ask about the future-- How Much Love Can Be in One's Life by Liu Yong

5. In fact, there is no problem that can not be overcome. Leave some time for yourself to recover. It's better to speak freely than to defeat yourself in a hurry.

6. Every trauma is a kind of maturity, and every loss is a kind of gain.

7. Most of people's troubles come out of leisure, and they will be better if they are busy.

8. Time, keep true friends; Years, keep the real ownership. In times of adversity, I understand the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and I realize that fate is changeable in a simple way.

9. The world is too big and life is too short. It's right to live it as much as you want.

10. Those who have experienced pain will know how to cherish happiness; Those who have experienced loss will know how to cherish the present.

11. The more experience you have, the more you understand that it is better to be yourself alive. Don't care so much. Your comfort is more important than anything else.

12. The person you like should be your motivation, not your wound; What you like should enrich you rather than make you anxious.

13. You are always struggling with loneliness, so you can't be free and easy; You always tangle feelings, so you can't be happy.

14. Everyone is an independent individual. Don't rely too much on anyone. Only you are the most important person in your life.

15. In life, we should make our way through mountains and rivers. Life, you give me pressure, I return you miracle.

16. You should protect yourself now, just as you never know which comes first, surprise or accident, and who comes first, the person who loves you or the person you love, so you should leave your best self to the person who accompanies you through life.

17. No matter how painful you experience, you will gradually forget in the end, because nothing can rival time.

18. Close when comfortable, and stay away when tired. You can stay with whoever you are comfortable with. This world is already very tiring. At least you should stop embarrassing yourself. It is more important to live happily than anything else.

19. People like to look for consolation in other people's stories. They think they are looking at other people's stories, but in fact they are all their own shadow.

20. Don't take other people's gossip as a gift, because you are not a rag collector. Do yourself a good job. When you are really fully involved in the current thing, no matter how simple and humble the thing is, you can feel endless fun.