Sentiment of life, inspirational writing, struggle, classic quotations (79 sentences)
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2023-05-29 10:31:55

1. As long as there is fighting spirit, there is no battlefield.

2. One must suffer a setback to gain wisdom.

3. Not to do the best, but to do better.

4. How can you do your best to be worthy of your heart!

5. How can it be satisfactory, but I want to be worthy of my heart.

6. Winners find ways, losers find reasons.

7. Take your time, who hasn't made an effort yet.

8. Success is simply doing things over and over again.

9. The so-called abyss is also a promising future.

10. Forget about failure, but remember the lessons of failure.

11. Without saliva and sweat, there would be no tears of success.

12. To change oneself is to save oneself; To influence others is to save people.

13. Sometimes a little faith can go a long way.

14. Don't regret what you can decide now.

15. If you want to get out of the shadow, let your face be sunny.

16. There are still many places I haven't been to. How can I fall here.

17. Anyone can be vicious if you try to be jealous.

18. Be kind to others when you are proud, because you need them when you are frustrated.

19. Not all targets can be reached, but it can be used as the aiming point.

20. Remember that there is light in your soul when you can't survive.

21. Participation is the beginning of success, and the result is not the most important!

22. Only when you become excellent can you do what you like.

23. People who are inferior to me are working hard. What qualifications do I have for standing still.

24. It is not necessary to study every minute, but to learn every minute.

25. Only diligent and enterprising people can win a successful life.

26. The so-called life is to get up and walk with a smile even when the heart hurts again.

27. Everyone has a scar in his heart. Time is the best cure.

28. Don't always think about how to change others. You should always try to reform yourself.

29. Although the sun has black spots, it has set up a glorious image in its burning.

30. If a sapling refuses to prune for fear of pain, it will never become a timber.

31. Although I have not reached the end, I am at least closer to the end than yesterday.

32. The first youth was given by God; The second youth depends on your own efforts.

33. The greatest joy of life is that everyone says you can't do it, but you have completed it!

34. Anyone who wants to do great things must go beyond reality and return to reality.

35. In fact, it's not impossible for me to give up. It's basically the same nature as the wolf.

36. As long as we keep working hard and unremittingly, there is nothing we can't conquer.

37. From now on, stop living the life you should live and live the life you want to live!

38. The first priority of filial piety is obedience. You should be considerate, soft in voice and appearance, and never be impatient or bored.

39. Do not start a business until you have been in contact with the society for less than years, unless there is a fleeting opportunity.

40. Some words are suitable for rotten in the heart, some pain, and silent forgetfulness.

41. Perhaps the sea defines shells as pearls, or coal as diamonds.

42. The most wonderful thing in life is not the moment of realizing dreams, but the process of adhering to dreams.

43. People who devote themselves to work. Honesty and diligence should be your permanent partner.

44. I will taste the ups and downs, and I will carry the joys and sorrows. I am my own sun.

45. Go out for a walk. The world can give you more than you think.

46. Whenever you want to give up, think about why you have persevered until now.

47. A beautiful face is for others to see, but a wise mind is for yourself to use.

48. Only by looking at everything in the world with calm eyes can we live an open and detached life.

49. Light wealth is enough to gather people, self-discipline is enough to convince people, leniency is enough to get people, and body is enough to lead people first.

50. As long as a person knows to pay love and care, her heart will naturally be filled with love and care.

51. The world is under the jurisdiction of the powerful. The powerful should be above everything.

52. There is nothing to complain about. Every step today is to pay for every previous choice.

53. Even if the road is rough, the wheels should move forward; Even if the river is rough, the ship will sail.

54. Those things that can be retrieved have never been lost; Those lost things may never be really owned.

55. There are too many people to rely on. Only when you lose your belt when you are a pants can you know what dependence is.

56. If you can't get out of poverty, let's get out of poverty. You can't have no one around you and no money in your card.

57. The best way to keep fresh in the world is to make continuous progress and become a better and more worthy person.

58. A better life requires hard work on your own. Work and life should be clearly separated and learned from each other!

59. A coward can only stand still, a rash person can only burn himself, and only a truly brave person can prevail.

60. All efforts are not to make others think you are great, but to make yourself look up to yourself.

61. It is better to fight for today with sweat than regret today with tears. When the tears run out, what remains should be strong.

62. A person's character depends not only on what good he can do when he is good, but also on whether he can do anything bad when he is bad.

63. Those who always rely on others' encouragement to struggle are not strong; Those who do not fight with encouragement from others are cowards.

64. We always think that life owes us "satisfaction". In fact, we owe life "effort"

65. Don't easily use the past to measure the happiness and misfortune of life! Everyone's life can be beautiful. As long as you cherish.

66. Some people do not have their own glory in life, not because they cannot be brilliant, but because they do not flash the idea of glory or do not know how to be brilliant.

67. The future of your career is uncertain, and efforts still need to be countless. I will make up for it with hard work, and make achievements with perseverance. Happiness is on the way forward. Just brave the pursuit, and please do not turn back!

68. In order to live a successful life, young people must learn to stand on their own feet, remove the obstacles lying in ambush everywhere, and educate them at home so that they can have an independent personality recognized by others.

69. No matter yesterday, today or tomorrow, it will be a beautiful day if you can suddenly see the light; The only thing in the world that can be achieved without work is poverty, and the only thing that can be created out of nothing is dreams.

70. The product is not good, but the work is good; Bad brand, good personality; Bad luck, good luck; Bad habits, good temper; Bad plot, good mood; Love is bad, but friendship is good.

71. If talent is not high, and there is no good family or luck, learn the wisdom of the tongue, handle the world gently and gently, and gradually become rational, calm, tolerant and overall from experience and setbacks.

72. There is no beginning once and for all; There is no end that cannot be saved. In life, what you need to grasp is what you should start, and you should start without hesitation; What should be ended should be ended neatly.

73. Happiness can come slowly. As long as it is true, it really doesn't matter if it is late. The thing that makes people feel happy most is that after a lot of efforts, everything is slowly becoming what you want!

74. Give everyone four leniences: if you know how to tolerate others, you will always be happy; Learn to let yourself feel relieved, and you can keep optimistic; If you can be generous to life, you will have more energy; If you want a broad future, you should start from the heart!

75. How good time can't be saved, so in every passing scene, we just pay attention, love a person, read a city, and don't ask the way back. As long as we are together, it is the greatest happiness.

76. Forgetting the words above is a death, and below is a heart. If you want to forget someone, you can only forget it if you die. Life is short. Don't worry too much. It's better to live happily in comfort than to live like a year in the midst of trouble.

77. Eat well and sleep on time; Don't complain and be kind; Insist on doing what you like; Feel every detail of life with heart, precipitation, precipitation, because you want to become a gentle and powerful person.

78. If you can't give yourself a dazzling diploma and a soul stirring love, you can also give yourself a dream that will be laughed at 90% of the time. Because one day, it will make you shine.

79. In fact, the road is not wrong. The wrong thing is choice. The wrong thing is love. The wrong thing is fate. So no matter where you are, the scenery along the way is always limited, and eventually there will be beautiful. Life is not a race, but a journey.