Copy on family education (copy on education)
Sun flower
2023-04-25 23:03:37
Complete sentences

1. Don't be an educated parent. Some people have high education, but not necessarily educated. If parents do not know how to live, how to treat others, or even how to treat their children, no matter how high their academic level, they are also uneducated people.

2. There are three critical periods for children's growth: the first is around the age of 3, the second is around the age of 9, and the third is around the age of 13. If you miss the critical period of growth, there will be endless consequences.

3. Parents need to bear the responsibility of educating their children, but don't completely cancel their leisure life because of educating their children. "No sense of responsibility hurts others, too much sense of responsibility hurts oneself.

4. Poverty is an important educational resource, but it is not the poorer the more conducive to the growth of children. As parents, they need to provide their children with basic cultural materials to prevent them from falling into the inferiority complex.

5. The relationship between husband and wife affects children's character. If a man doesn't respect his wife, his son will learn to disrespect his female classmates at school. If a woman doesn't respect her husband, her daughter will learn to look down on her male classmates at school.

6. If the parents pick up the child as soon as the child cries, the child will often pester the parents and put forward more requirements by taking advantage of this feature of the parents. Therefore, the child is crying. Don't rush to pick up the child. Parents had better let themselves have something to do and let the child watch their actions to do things quickly.

7. Education is to cultivate people's spiritual appearance. The mission of parents and teachers is to let children gradually take responsibility for their own spiritual appearance, remove all kinds of filth that may be contaminated, and cultivate the spiritual "seed" of people so that people can breathe the mountain air and be proud.