Talk about the qq that expresses feelings
Happy people
2023-07-08 19:06:38
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Don't pretend to be pathetic. In fact, I can perform better than you.

2. Would you like to stay together again? Would you really love it.

3. The last person you are with is often the person you don't expect.

4. Who can understand whose deep love, who can understand whose leave.

5. In your most memorable journey, I can give you an exclusive smile.

6. The words that once touched me most are just for seeing now.

7. Have learned to cover up the wound with a smile, a person silently bear everything.

8. How I want to tell you how much I love you when I can still remember you.

9. Once sweet words. Now it has become a chain to imprison oneself.

10. How many people like to watch the recent visitors and look forward to that person's appearance.

11. When a person has the idea of leaving, he is doomed not to return to his original position.

12. What you have lost has never really belonged to you, and you need not regret it.

13. The pain on the other side and the hatred on the other side combine into the endless sadness of the river!

14. Think of men's words as farting! Colorless and tasteless, but can be poisoned to death.

15. After your fleeting years, you become a passer-by, and our final outcome, still not together.

16. The boy's warm shadow. Said to seize the pace of time to accompany me to the wilderness.

17. From complaining with tears to treating with smiles, in the end, it was just a happy go lucky situation.

18. His heart has already changed the season, and you are still standing on the day he made a promise.

19. Every minute, every hour, every day. Forgetting him is a lifetime.

20. I was afraid of being laughed at and insulting myself, so I pretended to be happy and didn't care.

21. I will live a good life. I owe myself nothing but these years.

22. There are some things you want to do but can't do; Some feelings, want to have, but the heart is not enough.

23. Love means having a person who makes you cry one moment and make you laugh the next.

24. Enter my lovesickness door and know that my lovesickness is bitter. Long term lovesickness is long term memory, short term lovesickness is endless.

25. The value of life lies not in how many days we can live, but in how we use these days.

26. I put down my dignity, personality and stubbornness, all because I can't put you down.

27. Sometimes people who say good night first just want the other party to sleep first, but they lose sleep alone.

28. Being alone is not that we don't desire love, but that we lack an active reason.

29. You always hurt me recklessly, and then you always take the trouble to say sorry to me.

30. I like the night more and more, and I like sleeping more and more, because in my dreams, the person I love also loves me.

31. Looking back on the past years, time flows silently from the side, and the beauty of the past is just like an old lady.

32. I want more, I want to grasp more firmly, but when I hurt my palm, everything slipped away carelessly.

33. My way of growing up is to enlarge the wound thousands of times and sprinkle salt to remind myself not to fall twice in the same place.

34. Once upon a time, the confused waiting gave me inexplicable expectation, which gradually became the dependence in my heart. What about now?

35. Once, I have been to your world and have been looking forward to your love; Once upon a time, when I entered your heart, my missing has always been lingering.

36. The flowers, plants and trees put down the withered and yellow leaves to grow a beautiful spring. Only when the sky puts down the gray clouds can there be a bright clear sky.