Complete set of mature personal signatures
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2023-07-28 22:05:43
Complete set of signatures

1. It's not that anyone who leaves can't live

2. From the original childishness to the present maturity.

3. Later, I became mature, but I didn't like to laugh anymore.

4. All ends are just for the next beginning.

5. A toast to the past, no love will turn back.

6. The so-called maturity is mutual understanding and compromise.

7. ※ Experience some things and see through some people

8. When encountering difficulties, we should face them instead of choosing to escape

9. Nobody can influence my happiness, because I want to live

10. You also have only one life. You can't give generously to people you don't love

11. At this time, I have grown up, and the remaining time is to mature slowly

12. We grew up, but lost happiness in childhood.

13. I should not disturb your life. I should hide in a corner.

14. I continue to write the spectrum of tomorrow with strength, and walk the road of the future with perseverance.

15. After graduation, you are not mine. Don't look back and think about the future.

16. When life is facing adversity, we should thank it for our growth

17. A real man is a man who dares, not a man who doesn't admit that he has done something

18. All my maturity is hypocrisy, and all my naivety is true temperament.

19. Today's composure and calm are mostly the result of the foolishness and innocence of the past.

20. People should always learn to be strong, learn to grow, learn to love and be loved, and love while walking.

21. There are some things we must give up before we have the energy to meet a better life.

22. I suddenly understand that even if there are many friends around me, I will go on my own

23. When people are in difficulty, only they can save themselves. The key is how strong you are

24. When you learn to live in peace with your own pain, it means you are beginning to mature

25. The real strong man is not a man without tears, but a man running with tears.

26. Some things have been stored for too long, and it's hard to put them down, but I am relieved when I accidentally press Delete

27. Be such a woman. Love. It hurts too much. I cried. Laughed. Then continue to be strong.

28. Growing up may mean that if you pay too much and care less, you will lose sight of the rewards.

29. In the years of growing up, we have never changed, but become ourselves more and more clearly.

30. The sign of maturity is not that you can say big things, but that you begin to understand the small things around you.

31. Maturity consists of two parts, one is the pursuit of beauty, the other is the acceptance of disability.

32. I have had enough mature and sensible life, and now I just want to be a happy and comfortable person.

33. People in my specialty are familiar with things, and they can always pay attention to your behavior, many things, and some things.

34. On the road of life, you will lose a lot of things, but only by constantly losing can you be fearless.

35. I use the "0 year old standard" and "0 year old standard". It has been clarified who is responsible for who.

36. The termination of a contract is a matter of age.

37. Heaven is fair. It makes you happy while giving you suffering. The pain and joy of life always change. No one's destiny is perfect