Riding copy
Heart like a rock
2023-06-06 04:03:24
Complete sentences

1. Riding will be very lonely, and you will be a strong person after enduring this loneliness.

2. Ride between heaven and earth, bathe in nature.

3. There is no high or low, everyone riding is equal.

4. Since you choose to ride, you should bear the fall.

5. Riding fast is a kind of ability, and riding slowly is a kind of state.

6. Ride between heaven and earth, enjoy nature.

7. Riding has abused me thousands of times. I want to ride like my first love.

8. Safety awareness is more important than riding equipment.

9. When riding: back bow at the waist, feet in the middle, arms slightly bent, upper body relaxed.

10. Ride at your own risk!

11. Cycling is a kind of study tour, so it is often used.

12. The reason why I choose to ride is that its speed matches the rhythm of my mind receiving the scenery.

13. During the long ride, I knew others and found myself.

14. There is a passer-by in front, one arm away from him.

15. There is no interest in riding, and all riders are brothers.

16. I am your eye, taking you everywhere.

17. There is a parking in front of it. It is one door away from it.

18. Cycling is not about physical strength, but about willpower.

19. Cycling life is not only about finding yourself, but also shaping yourself.

20. By riding and integrating into nature, people become simple with an open-minded mind. In fact, simple is happy, simple is happy!

21. Riding is not just about speed, but about happiness and safety.

22. One person can ride faster, and a group of people can ride farther.

23. In the past, postmen had the longest average life in all industries, which is said to be related to cycling every day.