78 space mood phrases
Know the world and not the world
2023-07-02 21:57:01
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1、 In the blink of an eye, I fell in love with him when I saw him.

2、 Some people can do it.

3、 Frozen tofu can't hurt people, it hurts the heart.

4、 Don't be so proud. You're nothing special.

5、 Because I love you, I'm afraid of losing you.

6、 I am willing to accompany you to make fun of and love you all my life.

7、 It's so happy to sleep in the arms of the one you love.

8、 I love you all the time.

9、 You should be wise to make troubles in my heart.

10、 To love is to risk not being loved.

11、 At the next intersection, miss a certain temperature.

12、 I'm glad you can come, and I'm not sorry you left.

13、 Aftertones are aftertones after all, which can be recycled but not repeated.

14、 Your eyes are the sea I will never meet again.

15、 Everything in the world is fake. Be good to yourself.

16、 One step back is loneliness, and one step forward is happiness.

17、 Choose the lightest thoughts to interpret the rough life.

18、 Sunflower, a flower grinning at the sun.

19、 I just like you, so much so that I am afraid.

20、 Looking at your sweet smile, I can't help smiling.

21、 Only when you give your heart will you get the corresponding reward.

22、 Whether happiness is too light and heavy, and excessive use does not itch or hurt.

23、 Who else is looking forward to the future, the light that never appeared.

24、 There are many women in the world, and I am the only one like me.

25、 Say you like it with a photo. Do you think you are Taobao.

26、 Just want to have his love, let me just be your lover.

27、 I will try my best to like what you like. Don't curl your lips. Not jealous.

28、 It's too late to see you again. I don't want to hear sorry. Memories gradually disappear.

29、 In French, it means "pain", but in Chinese, it means "loved you".

30、 Wherever you are, I will be happy.

31、 Only a liar in the world is sincere, because he is sincere to cheat you.

32、 If one day we are not together, we should also be together.

33、 I tell myself that I don't miss you anymore, but the memory is in my heart.

34、 I would rather be your trapped animal, so; I can overcome all difficulties.

35、 Look up, just don't want to cry down, just gentle highlight.

36、 A thousand miles away, when the clouds are gone, when the two intersecting lines are staggered.

37、 I decided not to cry, just as you decided to leave me.

38、 I love him with great vigour and madness. My dreams are broken but never forgotten.

39、 I hate the fact that you say you miss me, but you don't do anything.

40、 Take courage to face it. Don't bet if you are afraid of losing. Don't fall in love if you are afraid of being dumped.

41、 Every period of youth will grow old, but I hope you are always good in my memory.

42、 In these days, no one is who, no one is worth the tears for whom!

43、 You said that you would accompany me to a certain day, but you left me on a certain day, a certain night, a certain street.

44、 Old friends don't know your new situation, and new friends don't know your old temper.

45、 Loneliness is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with someone.

46、 Even if you are a lump of shit, I will not hesitate to make pills and send them with warm water.

47、 I always feel that you are always hiding something from me, which is very bad.

48、 Frustration experience is too little, so some trivial things are very important.

49、 I used to think that owning is not easy; Later I learned that it was more difficult to give up.

50、 Some people have too many smiles on their faces because they have too many tears in their hearts.

51. Farewell and reunion are the constant performances of life. Once you get used to them, you will no longer feel sorrowful.

52. Either do everything for my happiness, or go far away. Don't wish me happiness here!

Fifty-three. I don't love so much, but only a little. People's eyebrows come and go, and I only peep at you.

54. It doesn't matter to lose you, but the sunlight is no longer warm, and the bustle has nothing to do with me.

55. There are only two kinds of people who suffer from insomnia: one is holding a mobile phone in his hand, and the other is having a theater in his head.

56. I tried every means to please and pretend to be weak just to get a word of concern from you. Unexpectedly, I got a word of concern from you.

57. Whether friendship or love, there are always some people who are pretending there. I really want to say: I'm tired.

58. School was a place we used to hate and spit on. Now that we are out, do you feel regret?

59. Thinking too much will only ruin you, make you nervous, and make things worse that are not bad in fact.

60. Don't say that you regret what you have decided. If you hold a person's hand and let it go, you should bear it with mutual tolerance!

61. If you are cheap or not cheap, there you are. If you are sterile, you are two or two, and two is there, no three or four.

62. I hope your love for me will never stop when I wake up and see you every day; I see you every night before I go to bed. I hope your love for me will never stop.

63. Wrong love, like necrotic muscles, should be cut off as soon as possible. Although we know it will be painful, it is the only chance to survive.

Sixty four, I am the cotton candy in your hand, always sticking to you; I am the bubble gum in your mouth, blowing you all the time. Let you be happy every day and always smile!

65. The grass will fall in the same direction as the wind blows. We always think that reality is wind and dream is grass. But if you want, the dream can be the wind.

66. In your lonely and sad days, please read my name quietly. And he said, "Someone is missing me. I live in the heart of one person in the world.".

67. Giving up is also a kind of happiness, because I know that I really loved once, cried several times, and finally made myself scarred, and then gave up gracefully.

68. Dear, I love you, my mouth wants to kiss you, my eyes want to see you, my hands want to hold you, my heart always wants to hold you, my dream holds you, my whole life depends on you, and I will never wronged you.

69. I long for my eyes to open in the dark, and your gentle words are echoing in my ears; I am eager to miss you. I can drop my hand in the air and lead you to the deep feelings that span thousands of miles!

Seventy, I really want to hold you tightly so that you can feel my heart beating faster because I love you; I really want to hold you tightly so that you can feel my breath rushing because I love you.

Seventy one, I cry not because I am sad, but because I cry with joy. I can't live like a normal person. If you leave me, I don't know my life will change.

72. Sometimes girls' psychology is very delicate. You have been infatuated with her for several years, and she won't love you, but once you like others, she can't stand it.

Seventy three, love has not yet come, and the day is carefree; The most painful things are just tests and exams. At that time, I felt a lot of pressure. Later, I looked back, but it was so small.

Seventy four, everyone has a guard star, which is said to be the heart of a lover. Dear you, I have engraved your name on the star, which is the star I am waiting for you to love for you.

Seventy-five, perhaps, what you deliberately pursue is often not available, and what you did not expect, instead, you will meet in your indifferent calm! Don't be unhappy. When you lose him like that, you can certainly gain me like that.

Seventy six, the wood said to the fire, "Hold me!" The fire embraced the wood, and the wood smiled and turned into ashes! The fire cried, and the tears extinguished itself. When wood fell in love with fire, it was doomed to be burned.

Seventy seven, how many lonely waits must we go through in life before we can finally wait for the person we are waiting for. I feel like this, aching, awake, because I don't know how many times I can miss someone like this.

78. Weather forecast: I miss you a little from tonight to tomorrow morning, and it is expected that I will miss you continuously in the afternoon. Affected by this low mood, I will turn into a violent one in the evening, and my mood will drop five degrees. It is expected that this kind of weather will continue until I see you.