1500 words after reading Alive
Floating dream
2023-08-06 22:06:09

I spent two nights reading Yu Hua's work Alive. I read it word by word. Some words stood there like thorns, not only hard, but also sharp. In the fifth preface, the author wrote: "When I read other people's works, sometimes I will affect my own attitude towards life; and sometimes my own works will also affect my own attitude towards life."

That's true! I read very carefully. I picked up the book and kept reading. I didn't listen to my external affairs. I didn't dare to be distracted. I was afraid that I would lose something if I turned around once. It felt like I was eating a piece of long-lived noodles. I had to eat it in one mouthful to be satisfied. If I bit it in the middle, my heart would be unwilling and unlucky. Most importantly, I would eat it again, It completely lost the good taste before.

When I read the second half of the book, I became more anxious. I read quickly and often ruminated a large paragraph of text. In this way, my eyes would follow one line at a time and ten eyes at a time, and then shed tears, one drop after another. Some fell on the words, some flowed into my mouth, and some slipped onto my clothes and became wet.

I cried five times, each time more sad than the other.

For the first time, Qing died. The little boy who was beaten by his father in his mother's stomach and ran barefoot to mow grass and feed sheep for more than 50 miles twice a day bravely stretched out his arm to donate blood, because the headmistress of their school gave a lot of blood to her children, and none of the students in Grade 5 matched the headmaster's blood, except Youqing. Youqing is proud of this. The doctor smoked a little and a little. Youqing's face turned white and his lips turned white. He said I was dizzy and nobody paid attention to me. Later, he lost his heart.

The second time, Fengxia died. When her father was away from home, Feng Xia, who had a high fever since she was young, never spoke again. In her short life, she was sent twice. For the first time, because her family was poor, she had to provide for Youqing to go to school, and was forced to foster a family as a daughter. After a few days, she ran home crying; The second time, she married Erxi, her son in law with a crooked head. Erxi was kind-hearted and loved Fengxia sincerely. When Fengxia had a difficult labor, the doctor asked her to protect the big and the small, and he replied without hesitation: "Protect the big". Unfortunately, the weather was not satisfactory, leaving the small one. The large one suffered from postpartum hemorrhage, and his life was not saved.

The third time, Jiazhen died. Jiazhen has a large family. She was the apple of her parents' eyes since childhood. She was spoiled and pampered. On the way to school, she was favored by the rich. Three media and six hires married and returned home. This family is also wide and broader. When she first passed the door, she had 100 mu of land. Previously, she had 200 mu. She was defeated by the rich father for 100 mu, and by the rich for 100 mu. Two generations of black sheep have suffered two hard women, Jiazhen's mother-in-law hasn't lived a few days. Jiazhen, she hasn't lived a few days. She worked all day long. When she was ill, she had to go out to work. She could not get off the kang, but also had to sew and mend. Although she lay on the bed all day long, her hair was still neatly combed. She was worried about her two children. She hoped that she would have a hard life. The two children could have a good life in the future. However, time and again, the white haired people sent the black haired people. The oil ran out and the lamp ran dry, and she swallowed the last breath.

The fourth time, Erxi died. Such a strong man, good, honest, strong, capable, and full of strength. He loved Fengxia very much. On the second day of the blind date, he took his brother to work at Fengxia's house. He cleaned up and repaired the house and made a small table for Jiazhen overnight. He gave everything he could to marry his sweetheart home. After marriage, he was obedient and the couple lived hand in hand. Sweet and honey, after Fengxia died of childbirth, he became both father and mother, and took a baby to be a porter alone, Holding the lead behind his back, he could not leave this little boy who was growing more and more like a phoenix for a moment. When an accident happened, he only left his head and feet intact, and the rest of the body was bloody. Two rows of cement boards were sandwiched to squeeze Er Xi into a flat. At last, he just shouted: "Kugen!" Kugen was the name of the little boy;

The last time, the bitter root died. Kugen was born with a hard life. Without his mother and father, he returned to the countryside with his grandfather and worked with the rich in the countryside. He made a sickle and loved it. He was obedient. He believed that "when the chickens were raised, they became geese, geese became sheep, and sheep became cattle. We are getting richer and richer." When he was seven years old, he and the rich picked cotton together, He was dizzy and dizzy. Kugen was ill. He was very ill. He was old, confused, and worried about Kugen. He boiled ginger syrup for him and fed him to drink. Before leaving work, he boiled beans with salt and left them for Kugen to eat at home. As a result, Kugen ate too many beans. Two beans in his mouth were lying on the bed before chewing, and he never got out of bed again. He never went to get his sickle again.

Yes, I cried five times, and the rich and noble also cried five times, crying for his son Youqing, his daughter Fengxia, his wife's family treasure, his son-in-law Erxi, his beloved grandson Kugen. He sent them away one by one and buried them in one place. The rich have enjoyed good fortune, eaten, drunk, whored and gambled. The real rich, the real villain, he has seen great storms, he has experienced gunfire, he has served as a soldier, he has cooked steel, he has eaten rice, he has sold vegetables, and he has planted land.

He lived, lived, and lived for a long time. He had a companion beside him, an old cow, whose name was "Fugui". It's good to live. If you are poor, you must live, if you are old, you must live, if you are ill, you must live