Amazing copy
2023-04-28 20:03:11
Complete sentences

1. There is no way to go in vain in life. There are no obstacles that cannot be overcome. Good things are experience, bad things are experience, and that's all.

2. If a relationship can neither see the future nor feel the present, then it is better to clear up as soon as possible and enjoy each other.

3. I didn't have time to be young seriously. When I understood, I had to choose to be old seriously.

4. In your temperament now, there are the roads you have traveled, the books you have read and the people you have loved.

5. Whether the world treats you gently or not, please keep your kindness, because good luck will meet you unexpectedly.

6. Sort out your mood, forget those unpleasant past events, listen to music, see the scenery, say what you can say, do what you can do, take the right path, and meet the people you want to see.

7. Many things have no time to go, many people will only leave the scene suddenly, and many words will hurt before they are spoken.

8. Not all people can know the meaning of time, not all people know how to cherish. There is no fate of separation and aging in this world, only the heart willing to love and unwilling to love.

9. There is no need to deliberately meet anyone, nor be eager to own anyone, nor force to keep anyone. Let nature take its course and leave the best for the last person.

10. Be the truest and most beautiful person you are, follow your heart, don't look back, don't look around, don't care what others say. Those who can't compare with you will talk about you; They are better than you. They are too busy to look at you.

11. If you miss the beautiful summer flowers, you will surely walk into the autumn leaves. Anything, anyone, will become the past. Don't be against it.

12. The sky is not always sunny, and the sun is not always shining, so it is harmless to have an emotional breakdown occasionally.

13. As time goes by, when you look back, you will find that what you once thought could not be let go is just a springboard in life, which makes you grow.

14. We should all gladly accept the embarrassment and difficulty of the present, and accept a person's loneliness and occasional helplessness before we can go far.

15. As far as your heart is, you can go. Be a warm person, smile, love gently, and walk steadily.

16. In any case, it is always unforgivable for a person to fall for an excuse. The more no one loves him, the more he should love himself.