The most funny copywriting short sentence (72 sentences)
Self floating forest
2023-02-20 16:33:02
Complete sentences

1. If you excuse me first, I can get flat.

2. Listen to your words and save me ten books!

3. If I don't die, you will be ministers after all.

4. It's better to be single instead of me.

5. Every penny is worth every penny. If you eat porridge, you won't starve.

6. I called my partner and her partner answered.

7. How can bangs grow so fast!

8. I love you! But in your eyes, I am in your way.

9. I prefer a knife to a hole in the hole!

10. The world is as big as your heart.

11. If one day you die, you must die cheap.

12. My heart is so broken that it looks like dumplings.

13. I won't hit you. You don't know that I am both civil and martial.

14. Ji Rumeng, life is like a dream, never want to wake up!

15. Don't talk with your lungs. What you say is nonsense.

16. I'm not a casual person! But if you get up casually, you are not human.

17. Who says I can't play musical instruments? I'm good at quitting.

18. Just hang out with me. If I have a bite to eat, you can have a bowl of brush.

19. Flowers often do not belong to those who enjoy flowers, but belong to cow dung.

20. I have a Taoist friend, and I also have a Abbot Laotie!

21. Holding you in my hands and closing my hands, I can't hold you!

22. It is not easy to lose weight. Every piece of meat has its own temper.

23. If you can't hold your hand, let it go as soon as possible. It's too fat!

24. Although we are not familiar with each other, you can get close to me with money.

25. I really want to sell my house and travel around the world, but the landlord refuses.

26. Work, step back, love, step back.

27. Senior Brother, do you know? The meat of the second elder martial brother is more expensive than that of the master.

28. You can't walk the way you choose on your knees. You'd better stand up and take a taxi.

29. Why are you nearsighted? In order to ignore the world, I blurred my eyes.

30. Don't provoke me! Believe it or not, I slapped you on the wall and couldn't pick you off.

31. Love is to put your heart and soul into it, and then go out again!

32. The world belongs to us and children, but ultimately to those grandchildren.

33. If you are unlucky, no matter where you sit when eating hot pot, the smoke will float on your face.

34. In fact, it's not that you can't find a target. It's that your vision keeps pace with your strength.

35. The school stairs are equipped with mirrors to tell us that people who are ugly should read more.

36. I don't want to raise dogs or cats. I want to raise you. After all, raising pigs can make you rich.

37. The longest love I have ever had is narcissism. I love myself and have no rivals.

38. Is money really that important to you? They talked for more than three hours and didn't drop a penny.

39. There are two kinds of things in the world: gecko and head teacher.

40. The biggest sign of maturity is disdain to argue with others, and try not to quarrel if you can.

41. Some people have nothing to do with me. I can't let some people kill me.

42. A rich man is afraid that others will know that he is rich, while a poor man is afraid that others will know that he is poor.

43. Don't worry about the girl with fat hands. In the future, the gold ring given by a grown up boyfriend will be larger!

44. The tragedy of life is that when you want to do anything, you only have one knife.

45. Anyone who dares to bully me will write your name on the insole and trample you to death.

46. People should go out more, or they don't know how comfortable it is to play mobile phones at home.

47. Miss, I'm sorry. This man is mine. Please take care of your thighs and heart.

48. Wukong, there is not enough firewood. Get more scriptures. Wujing, go and see if Bajie is familiar.

49. Sincere friendship comes from endless greetings. Good morning, everyone. I wish you are single forever!

50. The Statue of Liberty holds a book in one hand and a torch in the other hand to tell us. We should also learn when there is a power failure.

51. As for parents' suspicion of my puppy love, I just want to say that you overestimate my ability.

52. There are two kinds of people, one is beautiful and the other is ugly. You are caught in the middle, which is ugly.

53. Why should girls care so much about each other? Anyway, they will go to the square dance together in decades to come.

54. I hope I can become an interesting and rich person. It's really no good. Money alone is OK.

55. I am a man of principle. In the final analysis, my principle of life is only three words: to see the mood.

56. Now, the only thing I can't afford to put down is chopsticks, and the only thing I can't get out of is the bed.

57. When my ex boyfriend was getting married, he called me to ask if I would go, and I answered his three words decisively: next time.

58. There is always someone who will defeat you if he smiles at you. For example, the head teacher standing outside the window.

59. What do you mean by playing games? I will not delete the game, I will only delete you.

60. There are many things you can't think of at that time. Don't worry. After a while, you will not remember them again.

61. Do not want any status or status, just want to simply become a rich man.

62. Do you have a feeling that your face is fat overnight, and then small a few days later.

63. Get up at five in the morning and go to bed before ten in the evening. This simple and regular life begins.

64. Now boys are too bad. They are whiter than girls, taller than girls, and more beautiful than girls. They also compete with girls for boyfriends.

65. It's time to get up again and rely on perseverance, laundry depends on endurance, work depends on famine, and bathing depends on explosive force.

66. When someone asked me why my skin was black, I smiled and covered up all the ugliness. You are white to cover up the ugliness, and I am not ugly.

67. When I was a child, I saved a mouse. It was sick. I bought some rat medicine to feed it. Later, I didn't repay it.

68. The above is a selection of 70 of the most popular and funny short sentences in dithering, which were shared by the editors of Meiwen. com. Welcome to read and collect.

69. Lucky people are those who spend two yuan to buy a lottery ticket and win five million yuan, and then bow down to pick up two yuan on the way to receive the prize.

70. The significance of Friday is to plan how to spend the weekend; The significance of the weekend is to prove that Friday's planning is meaningless by staying up late.

71. The following is a collection of the most popular and funny dithering short sentences. Collect them if you like. Your character is lazy, your interest is playing, your specialty is eating, and your skill is sleeping.

72. Just now, my partner suddenly sent me a message saying that we should break up. I haven't had time to feel sad. He sent another message to the wrong person, sorry. It scared me to death. I thought I was going to break up.