Letter of appreciation for financial aid
Never give up
2023-06-16 14:39:26
Junior two

Respected leaders: Hello! First of all, I would like to thank the municipal government for its care and care for our poor college students. I am a student of Class 1011, Department 10, Nursing, Suizhou Medical University. My name is Xin Jing, and I live in Zaoyang, Hubei Province. I am a student who enjoys the national financial aid. Today, I am very grateful to write this letter. I hope that I can use this letter to thank the government for its help and support, to thank the government for its award and financial aid, and to thank the teachers and students who have worked hard in the evaluation of financial aid.
I was born in a small village around the city in Zaoyang. Our village is a beautiful and poor place. However, due to family difficulties, my parents are also old and in poor health. In addition, my younger brothers and sisters are in junior high school. Their achievements are very good, and my parents don't have the heart to quit them. I wanted to quit school several times, but my family is short of staff anyway, I went home to help my parents work. My parents also worked hard for our children all their lives, and it was time for them to have a rest. But when I discussed with them, they firmly refused to let me quit school. They said: As long as you study hard and improve your academic performance, in order to enable our three siblings to learn good cultural knowledge and live a good life in the future, It's worth living a hard life. With the development of society, it's not easy for a poor family to train a college student. With endless tears, I can still hear my parents' concern about how high the cost of college is? Especially for a student like me who comes from the countryside, sometimes I have to be sad secretly.
The society is making progress. The price of goods in XX years has risen very fast. In the twinkling of an eye, the price of goods worth 2 yuan has become 4 yuan, but the income of the family is still the same. This is a very common thing for a society, but for low-income families who bear little risk, it is icing on the snow. Everyone knows that rising prices mean that many people have to pay more. For us college students, we may have to quit school or suspend school... Now my family has no source of income, but my parents are working hard in the fields, so that the family can collect more food, feed more pigs and chickens, sell them in the market, and then give them to us for school.
This money is not enough to pay tuition fees, and the living expenses are even more difficult to say. My mother went back the previous Saturday for our living expenses. I didn't get home until seven o'clock in the evening. When I got home, I asked my father: Dad, where has Mom gone? Dad said to me, "Your mother!"! For your life, in order to raise more pigs, fatten them and sell more money for you and your siblings to learn. Every day, I went to find pig grass and didn't come back until dark. Dad said that it was about 8 o'clock at this time, and my elderly mother appeared in front of me with a big basket of pig grass on her back. I quickly took the basket down from my mother's back. The basket was heavy with pig grass, and even I was very hard, Moreover, my mother was so old that I thought of quitting school, but I got a financial aid and a glimmer of hope rose in my heart. Under such circumstances, the country and the school extended a helping hand to us.
What we are given directly is RMB, which is not money. It more represents that the country and schools have not forgotten our poor college students, and the same attention is paid to our college students, schools and teachers—— So I wrote a thank-you letter to all respected leaders, thank you for giving me the opportunity to continue learning! I am very grateful to the country and the school for their attention to our poor students and for their practical help. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the school and all the teachers who care about and help us poor students. Poor students will be forgotten in the corner of the classroom. Sometimes I don't have the courage to face the teacher. Sometimes the enthusiasm of the teacher really frightens me, sometimes it is an unspeakable feeling.
But the school and teachers have proved their love with their actions. We are a part of the school as a whole rather than the garbage forgotten in the corner.