Beautiful sentences about summer
2023-05-06 12:27:40
Complete sentences

1. There was no cloud in the air, a hot sun overhead, no wind, and all the trees stood listlessly.

2. In early summer, all kinds of wild flowers are blooming, red, purple, pink, yellow, like bright spots embroidered on a large green carpet; Crowds of bees are busy in the flowers, sucking the stamens and flying around diligently.

3. The wind was blowing with a slight warmth, and the cuckoo bird's call came from time to time, telling us that "spring has returned." Grass, reeds and red, white and purple wild flowers were steamed by a hot sun hanging in the sky, and the air was full of sweet and intoxicating flavor.

4. Early in the morning, cicadas shouted loudly to tell people that another hot day had begun.

5. The scorching sun in August is like a fire umbrella. At noon, the sky shines brightly, like a large piece of hot white horse iron plate. The branches of weeping willows on the roadside were still, the shadows of the trees were shrunk into a ball, and the leaves covered with a layer of dust were wilting and curling. The asphalt pavement is also soft in the sun. Looking into the distance, there seems to be a transparent steam rising on the silent road.

6. When the winged wheat finches call the countryside sweet every day, they call the yearning of the black land golden yellow and undulating waves. One of the most exciting seasons for farmers is ripe again from the sickle and red tassel whip, and from those bronze pectoralis major muscles, biceps brachii muscles and drunken smile!

7. White roses are as white as jade. People like to use them as decorations.

8. There has not been a drop of rain for two weeks; The milky mist filled the air, enveloping the distant trees; From there, there is a burning smell. A lot of gray and hazy clouds, floating leisurely in the pale blue sky, slowly climbed over; The strong dry wind is blowing constantly, but it cannot drive away the heat.

9. Look at the two sky blue petals of this small flower stretch, two thin stamens rise high, and the pale yellow stamen head shakes slightly, much like a small butterfly dancing.

10. The willow trees in the street seemed to be sick. The leaves were hanging with dust and rolling on the branches, but the branches did not move. There was white light on the road, and the small vendors did not dare to shout. The plexiglass signboard at the entrance of the store seemed to have been burnt.

11. I don't know why, I have always liked the song "A Midsummer Night's Dream". In addition to the fluttering notes that deeply attracted me, especially the title of the song, it gave me a dreamy and dreamy feeling, special and familiar... so far away, so far away.

12. Red roses have the most abundant colors, including red, pink and bright red. People like to decorate it in their homes and shopping malls.