Short inspirational quotes (65 selected sentences)
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2023-05-09 08:04:44
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Aspiration is the door of career, and work is the journey to enter the house.

2. It is better to be an eagle than a crow for a lifetime.

3. Without ambition, it is like a boat without a rudder, a horse without a title, wandering and running, and what will be the end of it.

4. If you can sink your mind, why can't you get it? If you can raise your ambition, what can't you do.

5. Nothing is difficult if you are willing to climb.

6. Success without rejection will never last long without failure, only giving up.

7. In ancient times, those who made great achievements not only had the talent of surpassing the world, but also had perseverance and perseverance.

8. As long as you believe, miracles will come true.

9. Great changes in history always happen quietly. We should keep pace with the times!

10. A great man can't make contributions in life. How can he be as corrupt as vegetation?

11. It is said that swallows and sparrows should not bother each other. They will be thousands of miles high in the sky.

12. People always cherish what they don't get and forget what they have.

13. The husband's ambition is low, and children An learn?

14. Sales begin with rejection.

15. Human value is determined at the moment of temptation.

16. When you are ambitious, you will know Penglai is near. When you do nothing, you will always feel it is far away.

17. Those who have aspirations have thousands of ideas, while those who have no aspirations only feel difficulties.

18. Luminescence is not the patent of the sun, you can also shine.

19. Let every day of life be a harvest hour.

20. The success or failure of life is often in a single thought.

21. Life should not have a mind, even if you live a hundred years, you will still have nothing.

22. Keeping a dragon in your heart is both torture and fun.

23. Those who have a great instrument will have a great voice, and those who have a high ambition will have a great ambition.

24. There is no shining pearl, which is painted on by others.

25. Your choice is to do or not to do, but if you do not do it, you will never have a chance.

26. If both feet of the compass move, a circle will never be drawn.

27. Tell yourself once a day, "I'm really good".

28. If you want to climb the peak, don't use the rainbow as a ladder.

29. What you want, think clearly, choose and cherish, just like your marriage.

30. People have no ambition, just like blind people who get lost.

31. Youth is the only time we have the right to weave dreams.

32. Refuse severe smelting, and the ore is no more valuable than before being excavated.