Sad Quotes in a Depressed Mood
Peace is bliss
2023-02-15 22:06:39

1. In the wind, your voice is choked up, and you can give up when you drink the cup of emotion.

2. Desire for a warmth can ripple from the bottom of my heart.

3. Some people miss someone because of loneliness, but they miss someone because of loneliness.

4. Even if I try my best to walk quickly, I will return to the sad starting point in the end.

5. You are a dream I can never finish.

6. Now I understand that a person can be sad to no emotion, no language and no expression.

7. People who have been hurt will always wrap themselves up and refuse to love again.

8. When I miss you, I feel happy and sad.

9. Don't know me in the next life. I am more sad than you because I bring you infinite pain.

10. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

11. Will you also feel distressed, I am alone in the world without you.

12. You owe me too much, but I don't want any more. I'll give you all as souvenirs.

13. Anyhow, people come and go, everyone gets hurt.

14. It's your lack of temper that makes you get stabbed every time.

15. Put your photo in your wallet to remember the love I can't get.

16. It turns out that we are only suitable for missing but not for meeting.

17. Use your whole heart to maintain the result of a relationship, but get hurt and lost.

18. When you really want to forget someone, that person has been engraved in your heart.

19. After so many tests, we finally returned to the origin.

20. Feelings will turn to ashes overnight, and even the fierceness once burned will lead to loneliness.

21. If you can do it again, can you not meet me again.

22. The reason why a woman is fickle is that someone once hurt her heart.

23. When you give me a smile, I think you promised me forever.

24. If leaving is a subconscious rule, should I let nature take its course.

25. Waiting is the first age of life.

26. It's true that I don't love you even though I occasionally dream that you will lose your soul.

27. Whose sentence has a long way to go, let me see people walk away.

28. You laugh that my ordinary appearance is not suitable for love

29. Don't always have a long way to go. In this world, when you look back, it's all about people walking away.

30. My heart is tired to a certain extent, and I don't even have the strength to be angry and considerate.

31. I knew I would suffer if I said such words, but I endured the pain and said it easily.

32. Feelings are so fragile. Can withstand wind and rain, but can not withstand ordinary

33. Because there are so many reasons in the world, I don't want to explain why.

34. Walk the same street and return to two worlds.

35. The most valuable thing in life is not the material you have, but the people who accompany you.

36. You can't see my tears, but you can hear me laughing.

37. Occasionally recalling the past makes me feel that my life is going backwards.

38. Dear, please return to the original beauty.

39. Don't be so sincere if you are not so affectionate.

40. I pretended to be indifferent to some things, but my heart was aching.