Positive Psychology in Education
Calm coast
2023-12-03 18:06:12

With the development of the times and the change of society, the profession of teachers has also faced new challenges. The knowledge limited to this subject is no longer qualified for teaching and can cope with the changes of students in the new era. As a post-90s teacher in the new era, we should be more active in learning. Among them, psychology is a very important course. Only by learning relevant psychological theories and practicing them can we better deal with students' various problems, and teaching will also achieve half the result with twice the effort. So in my spare time, I actively read the relevant knowledge of psychology, especially the Positive Psychology in Education by Tao Xinhua. After reading it, I benefited a lot.

I deeply feel that teachers sometimes really need to go back to the starting point of education and accept all the students, good and bad, so that they can really enter the children's hearts, enter the children's world, and find ways to help children. As there is a passage in the book, the key to success is not to eliminate various weaknesses, but to fully stimulate the constructive strength and virtue of the individual's internal enthusiasm. Investment, vitality, dedication and focus are common virtues of human beings, and teachers should have such virtues. If they give full play to these virtues in work and life, they can certainly cultivate more students with happy lives, and make their professional life colorful and prosperous.

What I want to share with you today is the story of Xiao Pang in our class. I took over this class in the second day of junior high. I was just their geography teacher in the first day of junior high, so my only impression of Xiao Pang was that he was the "troublemaker" who always said "yellow" in geography class.

After taking over the class, I had a general understanding of my classmates, especially Xiao Pang. I found that he is not a person without ambition and goals, but has many advantages. For example, he has always been responsible for his work on duty. Every morning, noon and evening, Xiao Pang can be seen sweeping the corridor outside the classroom with a broom and bent over. Another example is that every time he changes his position, he always helps his classmates move tables and chairs together. It can be seen that he is also a warm-hearted young man. Xiao Pang is also particularly serious in the class of language and math. His notes on the books are also full of workers. His grade in the first day of junior high school is also at the upper level. But the mood is often ups and downs, sometimes crazy, sometimes sad. In the class, they are willing to sacrifice their own image to attract attention. I also like to say some bad words. I asked myself: Is there any reason why he was born like this?

In order to help Xiao Pang better, I try to understand him, find his advantages, praise him in the class, and tell him that he can do well. Maybe I praised him more than criticized him at first, and he began to indulge himself. Violating discipline in a running exercise and shuttling back and forth between two classes, it was invalid after repeated reminders. In a fit of anger, I yelled at him: "You can either run well in the class team or get out.". Then he really ran away. When I returned to the classroom after the running exercise, I severely criticized his behavior in the class and told him: "Since you are a member of the class, you must contribute to the class and protect its honor". He said angrily, "I'm not from Class 4, I'll transfer". I replied, "It's impossible. You can only be a student in Class 4 in Loujiang, or you can transfer your father.". Angry two people are doomed to have nothing good to say. Xiao Pang didn't speak again. It may be the first time I have been so strict with him. After school, I saw him wandering in the corridor alone, so I called him over and asked him, "Why did I run away when I was running?" He replied angrily, "Didn't you let me go?" I said to him, "How many times did you remind me when I was running, but you are still making trouble, and the teacher doesn't want to say that. Do you think you caused it yourself?" Xiao Pang was silent. I then said: "The teacher knows you can do well, and you have a heart for the class. Why should we show this bad behavior? Why should we cover it up with that bad behavior? If you have bad behavior in the future, the teacher will severely criticize you, but only for what you do, not for you. I hope you can accept it, and then make yourself better".

I don't know whether this behavior has any effect. Because Rome wasn't built in a day, I'm ready for a long war. It is gratifying to see Xiao Pang following us in a running exercise one morning after half of our run. At that moment, I really felt happy and happy for Xiao Pang. Every time since then, Xiao Pang will never make trouble like before. Even if you are naughty occasionally, you can do a little reminding. This is just a small thing, but over the past year, there have always been some small frictions and feelings between Xiao Pang and me, Xiao Pang and his classmates, but trust is also slowly building and feelings are gradually deepening. Later, I gradually learned that the reason why Xiao Pang has such great emotional ups and downs, seemingly stubborn but sensitive and fragile, is actually related to his family. His parents' divorce is something he can't accept, and he can't find a port to vent, so he expressed his dissatisfaction and demands in such an extreme way. Maybe no one really cared about what he needed, He is not happy. But I love him more and more, and I know more clearly that he is a sentimental person. He longs for family harmony, and he needs love. Although we can't help him to change his family situation, I am willing to take the whole class to accept all his behaviors and emotions. Later, he is also gradually willing to share his happiness and sadness in the class, even the family situation. Fortunately, he did not become the "alternative" of the class, and the students also found his loveliness. Of course, Xiao Pang still has some emotional problems in his behavior, but I am willing to continue to work hard. Even if nothing can be changed, I hope that our collective can also become a light in his heart, and will be a little warm when encountering sadness in the future. Because I believe that sincerity can only be aroused by sincerity, and integrity can only be forged by integrity. This is also the biggest 'charm' of the class teacher's work. Although the road is long, I will seek up and down.

As mentioned in the book, the value of teachers' existence is to sow happiness, and most happy people are willing to contribute. When they contribute, they can have more happiness, which is a virtuous circle. I am willing to take the lead in setting an example, become a person who spreads happiness, be energetic in life, and let my students also gain happiness and innovative vitality.