after school
Smile no matter how hard it is
2024-01-12 20:43:46
fourth grade

After school, I ran crazy to my home, because today I will update the 80th episode of Sausage Party!
When I got home, I unloaded all my "equipment". When I put my schoolbag away, I took off my coat and lost my shoes. After unloading these "equipment", I rushed to the TV, sat down on the sofa and watched the TV programs with relish. However, after a while, I heard a burst of rapid footsteps. Slowly, the footsteps became louder and louder, and the sound became louder and louder. Hearing this, I had an unknown premonition! No, it's Mom! I just wanted to run away, but... It's too late. Mom has pointed the pan at me!
My mother shouted: "You! Have you finished your homework?" I was a little nervous, and even couldn't say well: "No... no... no," I replied in a low voice, "That's not fast!" A powerful voice came from my mother's throat. Hearing this, I saluted and shouted, "Yes!" Then I rushed to the room with my schoolbag. When I was running, a very smelly slipper flew towards me and hit me on the back. I only heard a sound of "Ouch!" and fell on the ground heavily. I didn't dare to make too loud a noise, otherwise I would die! So I had to crawl slowly to the room. When I got to the room, I quickly locked the door. Alas! This is the only way. I sat down on the chair and seriously wrote my homework. In a short time, I wrote my homework completely.
Half an hour later, I finally saw the Sausage Party I had always dreamed of! I'm so happy!