A circle of friends who are extremely disappointed with their children
Old Walled Desert Eagle
2023-01-25 19:22:33
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Children are too careless in their homework, which is basically to perfunctory teachers and parents.

2. He is a man who never bumps into the south wall and never turns back.

3. Parents' strict supervision and criticism will make children more tired of doing homework.

4. His heart, like a boat with broken anchor chain, is drifting with the waves of the Sui Dynasty.

5. Despair buries laughter, disappointment conceals everything. What I should do is to learn to forget, wander between loneliness and insecurity, and show who is weak if not strong.

6. He is stubborn, and no one can persuade him.

7. Some things are always beautiful when you think about them, so in your imagination, you abandoned a reality that could have been very happy.

8. Parents are always anxious for their children to do homework and their children to move.

9. Happiness is so similar to happiness, but is happiness happiness?

10. The child doesn't want to do homework. How to coax and force him is disobedient. Every day, he just plays and watches, which is really annoying.

11. Many indulgences to you have led me to be seriously disappointed in you, while you are smiling.

12. I thought you would like me if I could make you laugh, but I lost to the person who made you cry.

13. Don't try to persuade him. He is just so stubborn.

14. Read forget to wear your heart, from now on, this heart is cold and thin.

15. Affection is a burden I can't bear, and love words are just lies that are realized accidentally.

16. The mud won't get up, so I'm worried.

17. I always follow my child when he writes his homework, otherwise I will not do it well.

18. He is just like a cow. No matter how we try to persuade him, he will not change his mind.

19. The child is fond of playing and does not like to write homework, which makes him feel like fighting a war when he writes a word.

20. He is a man who does not cry without seeing the coffin.

21. It's useless talking to him. He won't listen to you.

22. Pet and love are two different things. Pet can have no communication, but love cannot.

23. He is extremely stubborn and does not listen to advice.

24. The children are procrastinating on their homework, so that parents who look forward to their children's success and women's success will be anxious in their eyes and angry in their hearts.

25. Listen, I will always remember your kindness to me, but I will never trust you again!

26. I thought you could get rid of the shadow, but let me fall into another puzzle.

27. When people all over the world leave you, I will be by your side, and we will be crazy together when there is hell.

28. He is a donkey. No matter who tells him, he will not listen to anyone's opinions.

29. There are only two possibilities for disappointment: choosing the wrong person, or expecting something you shouldn't have.

30. Marriage is the tomb of love. People in the tomb are free and people in the tomb are happy, so people will jump in.

31. There is regret, no hate, just disappointment. Disappointment is not what I want.

32. I feel cold in autumn.

33. We all told him that he was wrong, but he still went his own way and thought he was right.

34. The children's laziness when doing homework is annoying.

35. Did I tell you that all the time I was casting pearls before swine? 6. You always go in one ear and out the other.

36. Why do you still want to continue with your heartache over and over again, but you are just a little unwilling to become so greedy.

37. I once told you clearly that if you can't do it, you can tell me that I won't be angry, but I hate people cheating me!

38. Death can only prove that I have lived.

39. If you don't do it even after talking for a long time, you are simply unreasonable.

40. Like me, the wound is a stubborn child who refuses to heal, because the heart is a warm and humid place, suitable for anything to grow.

41. Children don't like learning, don't listen to classes, and don't do homework when they go home. Even if they do, they are very slow, which is really annoying.

42. As long as people don't lose their direction, they won't lose themselves! What matters in life is not where you stand, but where you go.

43. I am a passer-by that you forget when you turn back. Why should I accompany you to the horizon in wasted time?

44. Shifu always advised him to correct, but he insisted on doing so, and finally Shifu had to give up.

45. There seems to be a barrier around his ears. He doesn't hear anyone who talks to him well.

46. The children are unwilling to finish their homework. They are always procrastinating, playing for a while in the east and playing for a while in the west, which makes people upset.

47. Children are very tardy in their homework. It is annoying that they can write for three hours every day when their homework is half an hour fast and one hour slow.

48. If you listen to me from other people, please stay away from me and don't know me.

49. He is just a wooden head, and he can't listen to anything.