Reflections on Miracle Stupid Child
Dream Awakening Fairy Tales
2023-12-01 20:08:40

A smile can make people feel warm, a greeting can make people feel love, and a round of applause can also change a person's destiny and make her yearn for life.

Xiaomiao, a very shy girl, will turn red even if she communicates with familiar people. She lost a leg in a car accident and had to walk with crutches. She was already shy and became extremely inferiority complex. She was silent all day and her face was full of sadness, but she changed herself because of a round of applause.

I remember that it was a class meeting class, and the teacher would hold a story meeting in the class. After listening to this, the students were very excited. Their small hands were raised very high. Some of them were almost standing on the table, just for a chance to tell stories on the stage. Only Xiaomiao didn't raise her hand. Her head was buried very low, and she was almost close to her desk, her eyes avoiding the teacher's eyes

The teacher standing on the platform saw her abnormality at a glance, walked slowly to her side, touched her head, and said: "Your eyes tell me that you have a wonderful story, why not share it with the students?" Xiaomiao listened, as if he was stuck by 502 glue, and quietly sat on the wooden chair at a loss. "It doesn't matter whether you speak well or not. Come on, everyone is looking forward to it!"

Under the encouragement of the teacher, Xiaomiao limped onto the platform, blushed to the bottom of his neck, and said hesitantly, "I... I'll tell you... tell you... a story..." To her surprise, she said a sentence, and the whole class burst into applause, The applause was as long as the tide. At this time, Xiaomiao seemed to be free from formality, shyness and inferiority. She told the whole story fluently. Applause again, like a storm swept the whole audience. She smiled, so confident and true.

In the second class, the teacher asked the students to talk about their feelings about the story telling meeting. Xiaomiao was the first to hold up her hand and said, "I used to be very inferiority complex, which is not a secret. Now I dare to communicate with you, which is not a secret. What really made me breakthrough is not this story telling meeting, but everyone's applause at the story telling meeting. Everyone's applause has encouraged me and filled me with enthusiasm and hope for life. It's like that in a dark night when you can't see your fingers, a light suddenly shines on you. I followed the light source to find the world full of positive energy. Thank you very much! "

In fact, in the eyes of others, applause is just an action, but in front of the inferiority complex, it is a light that guides them to find the direction of life. Learn to applaud. Applause can also create miracles!