Famous labor sayings
The loneliness of smoke
2023-03-08 03:07:39
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Sloth, like rust, consumes more than labor; Frequently used keys are always shiny—— Franklin

2. It is extremely painful for a person who is immersed in mental labor to not move his limbs frequently—— Tolstoy

3. There is nothing of real value in the world that can be obtained without hard work—— Edison

4. Science is everywhere for home, but it will not bring about a bumper harvest wherever there is no seed—— herzen

5. Labor is the foundation of all things, and labor is the pillar. It supports the structure of civilization and progress and its brilliant dome—— Mogsore

6. As long as millions of workers unite as one and follow the outstanding figures of their own class, victory will be guaranteed—— Lenin

7. In fact, no social form can prevent the labor time dominated by society from adjusting production in one way or another—— Marx

8. The future will belong to two kinds of people: those who think and those who work. In fact, these two kinds of people are one kind of people, because thought is also labor—— Hugo

9. Without tenacious and careful labor, even talented people will become useless toys like embroidered pillows—— Stanislavsky

10. To succeed, we must continue to cultivate our ability and improve our learning methods and efficiency at any time—— Ye Shengtao

11. Only in the new social conditions can labor transform from a heavy burden to the satisfaction of relaxed and happy physiological requirements—— Chernychevsky

12. If you want to gain an opinion, you need labor, your own labor, your own initiative, and your own practice—— Dostoevsky

13. Labor not only means practical ability and skills, but also means the development of intelligence, and means the cultivation of thinking and language—— Suhomlinski

14. Please love labor. Even if you don't depend on it for food, you can also love it for the sake of your body. It can improve your physical and mental health and avoid the consequences of laziness—— Penn

15. From then on, I no longer look up at the sky, no longer look down at the white water, but watch my steps carefully. I will not step on the soil one by one, and make deep footprints—— Zhu Ziqing

16. Good deeds always require time, and great things cannot be achieved without a lot of effort and labor. If you want to eat walnuts, you must first bite the hard shell—— Grimes Hausen

17. People talked about apocalypse and inspiration and so on, but I worked as carefully as a jeweler to make gold chains, connecting small rings very appropriately—— Heine

18. If a man works only for himself, he may become a famous scholar, a brilliant man, and an excellent poet, but he can never become a real perfect man and great man—— Marx

19. Happiness is only a concomitant phenomenon of happiness. If happiness is not accompanied by labor, it will not only lose its value quickly, but also quickly degrade people's minds—— Ushinsky

20. As for me, I was born to work for the public interest and never wanted to show my achievements. The only consolation is that I hope to see my own drop of honey in our hive—— Craylov

21. History recognizes that those who work for a common goal and thus become more noble are great men; Those who bring happiness to the majority of people are praised by experience as the happiest people—— Marx

22. The lofty moral significance of labor also lies in that a person can reflect his wisdom, skills, selfless love for the cause and the willingness to impart his experience to his comrades in the material achievements of labor—— Suhomlinski

23. Genius cannot make people unnecessary to work and cannot replace labor. To develop talent, we must study for a long time and work with high tension. The more talented a person is, the more complex and important the task he faces—— Smirnov

24. My whole life is basically just hard work. I can say that I lived 75 years old and didn't live a comfortable life that month. It's like pushing a stone up the mountain. The stone keeps rolling down and pushing up—— Goethe

25. What you get with effort is more pleasing than what you get without effort. The obvious truth can be understood easily, and I feel temporarily happy when I understand it, but it is soon forgotten—— Bojiaqiu

26. Science is not something that can be achieved without effort - it is true that there is no other way to achieve in science except perspiration; No passion, no fantasy, no longing with the whole body and mind can replace labor—— herzen