How to write the composition after reading the sixth grade Journey to the West
Cold light bamboo shadow
2023-06-10 10:04:22
Grade 6

In this winter vacation, I once again opened the book Journey to the West written by Wu Chengen. After reading it, I had a lot of feelings.

Tang Monk went to the west to get scriptures at the will of Nanhai Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. When passing Huaguo Mountain, he rescued the Monkey King who was crushed in Wuzhi Mountain 500 years ago due to the chaos in the Heavenly Palace, and accepted him as his great apprentice. Later, when passing through Gaolaozhuang and Liushahe, they received two disciples and three disciples (Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha), so they began an adventurous and interesting journey to learn scriptures. Along the way, many monsters were hostile to Tang Monk and were eventually subdued by the powerful Monkey King. Although on the bumpy road of learning scriptures, they experienced hardships and hardships, and experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, they finally achieved a positive result. The four masters and disciples became Buddhas and returned to the Eastern Tang Dynasty to save the world.

The content of Journey to the West is memorable, and the truth it reflects is even more profound.

Along the way, Sun Wukong relied on his vast ability to kill monsters, and he had an unyielding spirit. His greatest characteristic is that he dares to fight and is not afraid of the other party. Dare to fight with the supreme Jade Emperor, so that the immortals are also afraid of three points; Dare to fight with demons and ghosts, so that they will be scared when they hear the name of Monkey King; Dare to fight against all difficulties, and will never avoid because of fear. Aren't we supposed to learn these spirits? Of course, there are also Zhu Bajie's honest, honest, true and lovely spirit, Monk Sha's diligence, Monk Tang's firm belief, etc. These spirits and qualities are really important for a person's cultivation. However, many examples of animals around the immortals turning into goblins, harming the people and ignoring the immortals can reflect that the social and official figures at that time had an attitude of turning a blind eye to what their subordinates and those who could give them interest did, without paying any responsibility. In this book, the author expresses a strong emotion, hoping that we stand on the side of justice, always fight against evil forces, never lose heart when encountering difficulties and setbacks, and learn to be decisive and act wisely.

We should learn from the four righteous masters and disciples, and pass on their spirit. If we do the same thing as them, how far is the victory?