Sentences expressing sadness of giving up
Old Gun
2023-03-19 15:04:26
Complete sentences

1. We smiled and said: We stay in the same place of time, in fact, we have been swept away silently by the torrent.

2. If you are unhappy, if you are unhappy, let go; If you can't bear it, if you can't let it go, it's painful.

3. If you shed tears, it is my heart that wets first.

4. Those who said they would never part before have already scattered in the horizon.

5. The most painful part is the part between letting go and not letting go. If you really decide to give up, you will feel relieved. Since then, pain and love have been deeply embedded in your heart.

6. The two ultimate causes of marriage break: embracing but not loving. Love but don't know how to get along. In marriage, the relationship between husband and wife is more important than love.

7. Learn to give up, giving up is a shot of sobriety. Let you calm down to reflect and make your mind clearer. You have to do everything within your ability. You can't touch the sky with your hand. Learn to give up. Giving up is a new starting point.

8. It is more difficult to give up a person than to love him, and it is even more difficult to forget him completely.

9. Learn to give up, giving up is a beauty of wisdom. To know how to give up is to know how to own and cherish.

10. If you fall in love, don't let go of the chance easily. Recklessness may make you regret for a while; Cowardly, but may make you regret for life.

11. If you love someone and don't respond, it's better to walk away proudly than beg for love.

12. Maybe God will arrange us to meet others before meeting the right person; When we finally meet the person we want, we should be grateful.

13. You think I'm a kite. You should either fly me or take me home. Don't tie me up with an invisible feeling, which will hurt my heart.

14. Learn to give up, turn around and leave before you cry, leaving a simple back; Learn to give up, bury yesterday in my heart and leave the best memories; Learn to give up, so that each other can have a more relaxed start, bruised love is not necessarily unforgettable.

15. People live in the memory of others. When everyone forgets you, you will not exist.

16. If you like a person, you should make him happy, make him happy, and make that feeling more sincere. If you can't do it, you'd better let it go!

17. I am a passer-by you forget when you turn around. Why should I accompany you to the end of the world in wasted time? As long as a person no longer wants, he can put down everything. I like myself now, and I miss us in the past.

18. It's not painful to give up a person. It's painful to give up the love in your heart.

19. Time will slowly precipitate, and some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go. Your happiness needs your own fulfillment.

20. Life without love is incomplete, and love without pain is not profound. Love enriches life, while pain sublimates love.

21. Who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that infatuation is very heavy, heavy and the heaviest in the world. One day, looking back, we found that it has always been very light.

22. Good love makes you see the whole world through one person, while bad love makes you abandon the world for one person.