Good morning, girlfriend
2023-03-16 14:07:55
Love talk

1. No matter what, I will accompany you.

2. You are the one I want to hug after running 5000 meters.

3. The drama on the Double Seventh Festival is about to be staged, and the Magpie Bridge has been built. The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl are coming to accompany you, but your figure is missing? The theme of love has been determined, yearning has already been sent out, the mobile phone screen is used as the stage, and lovesickness is spoken under the grape trellis.

4. Don't say forever. Who can promise the future? What we can grasp is nothing but the local feelings at that time. But in a lifetime, it is also composed of innumerable now. If you work hard to make every moment better, you will be forever.

5. Give me either love or money. In fact, I want the most of both.

6. Add your heart to my heart, even if it is painful to taste.

7. Like the wind pouring into the memory, the pain is blown away, but the love is cold unconsciously.

8. The whole world broke up. I also want to stay with you forever

9. The most beautiful love words in the world are not vows of eternal love, but when you need me most, I can say to you warmly: "I am here".

10. In life, the most reluctant page is always the deepest.

11. I miss you in blue, like the blue sky at noon, like you in pink, like peach blossoms in the garden, and love you in bright red, like the hot sun rising in the morning. It gives people a feeling of youth and beauty, and makes people have endless leisure.

12. If you are willing, I will love you forever. If you are not willing, I will miss you forever.

13. I want to be your little princess. I only eat sweets but not hardship.

14. Like the sun, you have a temperature that I can't get close to.

15. When I really want to sleep, I roll over and roll into your arms. It's sweet to think about it.

16. Pick up the stars of the Milky Way and wear a necklace for you. Use big roses to spell out the pattern of loving you. Hold your hand and promise to hold your hand and grow old together. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, dear. We should love more beautiful!

17. The years are long and the mountains and rivers are safe. I cherish you as before and miss you as before.

18. I don't miss you because I am lonely, but I am lonely because I miss you. The reason why the feeling of loneliness is so heavy is that I miss you too much. I can't help saying to you: I really miss you!

19. I am the deep sea, and you are the dawn rising from the other side of the sea, forever illuminating my life.

20. Take a thread of love quietly and let it fly in the hot summer; Silently drag a trace of concern, hanging in the boundless universe; Quietly send a greeting, in full bloom on the Double Seventh Festival. Chinese Valentine's Day is coming. I wish you sweet love and full life.

21. Those who want to take you home will be on their way to the southeast, northwest and northwest. Those who are willing to accompany you to dinner will love both sweet and bitter.

22. Seven surprises will be given to you when the Chinese Valentine's Day comes: a bunch of roses at the door, a hug in front of you, a warm message to my heart, a love with you, a song to express my heart, and a message to stay forever. Dear, Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

23. Days pass in different spaces, and I miss coming at different times. No matter how the world changes, you will always be my favorite.

24. Love is a very troublesome thing. It is entangled at the beginning and difficult to get out.

25. The first time I saw the universe was when I saw your four eyes.

26. I don't know why, as long as I have you by my side, my heart will no longer be uneasy.

27. Some people choose to be friends because they are too important, because friends always go farther than lovers.

28. Without love, people are like grass without sunshine, which will eventually decline; Without love, people are like a lake that can't stir up thousands of waves. It is extremely lonely and calm! People need love, please give me your warmest love!

29. Use my fireworks to exchange for your lifelong confusion. Settle the dust for you and overturn the prosperity of the whole life.

30. Life is so short that we should experience things we have never done before. For example, ask the person you like if we can be together.

31. I have countless dreams, each of which has you; I have countless fantasies, each of which has you; I prayed several times, and you were in every prayer. May the god of destiny let me see you, hear you and get you.