"A Good Lesson" 800 words -- Understanding of watching "A Good Lesson"
Swallow vicissitudes
2023-10-12 01:05:29

What is faith?

Huang Jingyu said in A Good Lesson: Belief may be invisible to everyone, but you will feel the power of faith only when you really have it.

I have always believed that people with faith are strong and invincible. Belief is the spiritual pillar and a great force to promote mankind towards a better tomorrow.

The Chinese people have made the best interpretation of faith. The Long March is 25000 li. Without faith, we can't persist.

From 1840 to 1949, China was suffering for more than 100 years. The people have been doing three words "save China". From 1949 to 20XX, the centenary of the founding of New China, the Chinese people are doing national rejuvenation and the prosperity of the motherland!

In A Good Lesson, modern young people have crossed the ages and talked with Comrade Fang. In the past, China was a dying country, lamented, poor, suffering, and ignorant. But in today's China, the synonyms of suffering have been replaced by songs of joy, wealth, health, and wisdom. Today's China, as Comrade Fang envisioned, is a lovely China. Our heavenly eyes and dragons are exploring the universe and oceans; Our high-speed railway shows you the speed of China; Our bridge has created a Chinese miracle. Now, the young people of China will inherit the 5000 year civilization of China and let the spirit of China spread forever!

The motherland is becoming stronger and stronger, and we, as Chinese, are more confident. Rapid changes are taking place around us. The changes in science and technology and the prosperity of life all confirm to us that China's rise and power are strong.

In the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, when I was in my fifth grade and 10 years old, more than a dozen of us presented a modern poem - "I Have a Strong Motherland" in the form of recitation in front of the whole school on Children's Day. At that time, I didn't understand what a strong motherland meant. I only knew to recite the word "strong", which I would like to emphasize. Today, when I think of the word "strong" again, I can truly understand its meaning. We are a lucky generation, living in a peaceful era and witnessing the strength of our motherland. As Mr. Kim Il nam said, there is always something to be gained from doing difficult things. Our young people in the new era must do their best, do things they have never done, do difficult things, and constantly challenge. Only in this way can life be truly blooming!