Copy of what the circle of friends said to their girlfriend (send the copy of the circle of friends' girlfriend)
Love rationally
2023-07-30 19:07:07
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1. There are some things we must let go before we have the energy to meet a better life.

2. Please don't fall in love with men who are dishonest. Such men generally seem to be clever. Don't forget that being too clever is cunning. A cunning man wants to trap everyone. When you trap others, you are also trapped.

3. I envy them for their dazzling eyes and wanton display of their pride. And I stood beside the street lamp under the green belt trees numbly wasting time, worthless time.

4. The world will not treat you gently, and God will not take special care of you, but I will.

5. Only when we have walked the road can we know that there are short and long; Only after experience can we know that there are joys and sorrows; Only those who have tasted it know whether it is true or not.

6. If I choose to give up, will you applaud me

7. There is wind, rain, sunshine, and a good you.

8. Our worst habit is to live in the present without knowing the direction of tomorrow.

9. I will never fool around with love and never joke with my heart.

10. Don't sigh for the past time. The best way for us on the road of life is to look ahead and not look back.

11. Life is like a brilliant flower, which has both the admirable brilliance and the helpless fading; Life is like a storm. It has a great momentum, and it also has wind and clouds.

12. The road of life will not be smooth. It is better to rely on your own efforts to create more opportunities and win the future of life. The road of life is your own. Don't expect others to do you much help. You can rely on yourself.

13. The great wisdom of life, but six words: affordable, put down. The former determines how easy you can live, while the latter determines how far you can go.

14. Life is the most serious mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile in return. If you cry at it, it will cry back.

15. Since then, my world has added you, and every day is a play.

16. Whose mark will be engraved on the broken wall for thousands of years. Qiang's voice is thin and the world of mortals turns upside down.

17. How much I want to hold you across the phone instead of holding the phone. How much I want to have you every morning and evening, instead of the picture of you, with thousands of love words, it's better to be around you.

18. The more one experiences, the more he will think. The reason for this phenomenon is that excellent people can always see something better than themselves, while mediocre people can always see something worse than themselves.

19. What on earth do women want? Isn't the answer simple? No matter what she seems to want, there are only two things she wants after all: a lot of love and a lot of security.

20. I am not a gentle person at all, but I have been doing everything gentle for you. I was not a patient person, but I always used up my patience with you.

21. What two people care about each other is called love; A person who thinks blindly is called stupid.

22. If there are only ten minutes left in the world, I will recall the storm with you. If there are only three minutes left, I will kiss you. If there is only one minute left, I will say I love you once.

23. Later, I finally learned how to love, but it's a pity that you have already left in the sea of people.

24. Men work hard, but in the end, they just want to find a good woman to keep it for themselves, which is the common characteristic of nature. The male desperately searches for bait and knocks down his opponent. All he wants is the female's body and love. It is for this that he keeps fighting.

25. Love is the foundation of feelings and the virtue of dedication. We will contribute our love and care to make the society better. When we see others as good, we should be as good as ourselves, and we will help them achieve it; Treat others as your own, and love them.

26. "I built a high wall around myself. No one can enter, and I try not to let myself out."